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  • I can't get just from them; they come by mail and my mother is paranoid of it arriving damaged. But damn I want one. On the other hand, I've found a place nearby that sells that kind of t-shirts with custom messages, so I might just get one (or a few if I'm lucky, who knows? ;)

    And lucky you you can just switch 'em. As hard as I try, I can't. I'm just so distracted by nature, after I try it comes back without me wanting it. Positive view on it: given some time, I come up with stuff from mini-plots to whole fantasy universes. Because I luuurve fantasy writing.
    And when it's a tune I don't like, it's as hard to kill as a cockroach >.< Worst of all, this supermarket has started this thing were they advertise a type of product made in a certain region, and then make people from said region sing their slogan. God, a company that makes those funny quote t-shirts made one saying "I survived X's advertising song".

    Of course this makes mine and my friend's laughing stock.
    I meant the cosplaying anime/manga girl things in Tohoumon. They look cute.
    Also don't know about the soundtrack, never played it enough to pay attention. Actually only as of recently I've been paying attention to music in games. I'm so insensitive >.>
    I know of Tohoumon, but I'm not a fan of Pokémon hacks of any kind. Yes, they look kawaai, but I prefer the original. People have the habit of making them so faulty! Like "oh hello there, let's give the players a way of fighting without getting their first Pokémon!" >.<
    Touhou is great. I'm not a fan of the spaceship vs aliens-type shooter game, but Touhou is pretty awesome.

    About the rambling, I think that sound effects and theme music should exist in real life. It'd make life much easier. Like that joke you say but no one understands it was indeed a joke, but a little sound effect makes it more obvious. Or when you tell this awesome story about what happened during the holidays, and suddenly it plays dramatic music to help. Anything would get its theme song. It'd be awesome. I think at least.
    Wow. That's pretty fucking awesome. It's like having your own soundtrack. Which makes me think sound effects should exist in real life. That along other stuff. I could ramble about that for a while, but I'll ask if you want to first ^^

    Also, I'll check TVTropes more often now. Seems fun.
    First time I heard it was on the (also awesome) /V/ Rage animation. I just thought "Wow." Then I go searching the music and all. But true, as awesome the song itself is, the opera part makes it unbelievable.
    Are they going to do a musical episode?! I would fucking DIE if they did! <3

    Sorry. I'm really excited. I sold my soul to work at basketball regionals here. Not only do I get $200+ for working for a week, but 20 teams are coming, so like 600 people. 1000 people will be packed in our gym. 800 people are going to the dance. 800 people. Dancing. In the gym. I'm SO pumped for this dance! *squees*

    Awww, lucky you. It's like summer up here. So sunny and gorgeous. <3

    ! :DDDDDD I have converted thee? Heroes is wiiiin. And a scene in Dexter that I watched last night was epic win. Quinn is too cute. :]
    Well - yes, I am busy, but I should be able to find time...! I think!

    ...Tomorrow, okay? OTL Or during the weekend. I should have time then. It's just about time for me to pass out for the day.

    Also aaa I'm up against Negrek in the tournament aaa

    You know I tried SO hard to make that move work in the regular series. On a Dunsparce no less. But I never managed. >: And now I forget it exists.
    I think I just died. I must see this Psych-Out! I love the one where Gus and Shawn are singing Jesse's Girl. C:

    Sounds like a pretty kickass untrue scar story to me!

    Bethel! My roommate's fiancé, who is a good friend of mine, lives there. And I live in Southeast! Like where the Mythbusters went!

    I want too!
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