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    Haha, I'm in a battle with a trainer who said "it's pretty nasty when every move lands a hit", she used an X Accuracy and then made her Delcatty use sing and it missed. Twice.

    Oh, I just checked Serebii and there's currently a Jirachi event going on in NA that lets you go into a new pokewalker course. Better check that ASAP.
    ja really

    It's a UK event, and I'm unsure if the american one has been launched or not yet. So don't feel bad. Just keep an eye out on Serebii.

    Ah yes, that one. And Flandre's ( moment is priceless.
    Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing. Little Harrison turning into a serial killer like Daddy? D:

    Did you know that the guy who plays Dex and the chick who plays Debra are married in real life? Haha.

    Yeah, I be on a laptop. So I can see Youtube. :]

    Do I see a Repo! The Genetic Opera plagiarism? D:<
    Yeah. 8.8. x.x

    I know! Trinity is such a creeper! And... and... ;-; Awww poor Dex...

    I think there was supposed to be a link to a video in there somewhere, huh Typh? xD

    YES. I can SO see that! :D
    That's happened to me before. Speaking of shopping centres, I'm hoping to go to Cabbot Circus on the 27th March because there's a GAME store there that's hosting an Arceus event. One that activates the Shinjoh Ruins event in HGSS. So you can see why I want to go.

    Sorry, DSi. Is that the sand art version of Bad Apple? Because I've seen that before and it's very impressive.
    Yeah, it hit Hawaii and it was supposed to hit Alaska as well. My friend Joseph and I kept joking about how the two foot tsunami will KILL US ALL! :3

    I didn't even realize I liked Rita that much until I saw she was dead. I was like "... ;-; Riiiiita~ Live please?"

    It's a great ep. Shawn and Gus singing Shout? And Gus dressed as Michael Jackson? Pure win.
    Rocky Horror Psych?! I need this! xD

    Oh, I also survived the two foot tsunami yesterday. :]

    And I watched the Season 4 finale of Dexter and nooooooo! ;-; it can't end like that! Just.... Just no! ;-;

    And yeah, Tim Curry was in the episode American Duos. I love the ep to death. It's like the first or second ep of season 2.
    That's a word I neither understand or say correctly. :D

    Yeah, of course. There's 31 entries and I've scored 6 so far. Hopefully they'll all be done by tomorrow. If you search for fantasmic contest on Hatena you should be able to find the channel.
    8C awkward. very.

    Listening to Chris Moyle's Parody album at the moment, will be listening to Yanni and Dax.
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