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  • And I'll do the same for you, Typh. *respectful bow* Though I doubt the tape will be strong enough.

    And that's a poem that was dedicated to... air pilots who died in some war, I forgot. We had to study that poem in grade 8 for English. The person just took that and tweaked a few words to make it more bat-like ;D
    I want... to eat... chocolate covered pickles. GIVE ME SOME NOW!

    (Hmm... It must've felt amazing... Go up into space... with the stars. Your last sight - that big great black beyond and all its brilliance. It almost makes me want to write a poem.)
    ... ;~; RIP Spacebat. Although wat in that picture with the space shuttle blasting off, I can't even see a speck.
    If I could fall asleep in those circumstances (my French class is hella loud), then I'd be proud of myself. :D
    Oh yes. They find it VERY fun.

    He wants to wave his magic wand over my tummy, so I can make a babu.

    (I did that on purpose. :3)
    Yeah, apparently. I fell over sideways and was out cold for about ten seconds. ...To be honest, the experience was rather cool, but it was pretty disorienting too.

    ...call me crazy but I kinda want to do it again minus the dashing head against floor part.
    Well, you see, dear... every little boy has a special magic wand. And then he waves it over the girl's tummy, and the stork's magic makes a babu! :3
    ayupyup it sure is.

    I should be doing something worthwhile tonight rather than listening to TFMY and playing Sapphire.
    Hay Typh!

    My head hurts. It kinda got dashed against the floor when I fainted today.
    Right then. Search for "Tree from my Youth" It's a Mother 3 radio dramatization and you can listen to and download each episode. It's awesome.

    rse drought? More like rse downpour.
    ):? wat typh i was praising your wit and you accuse me of being a sick tentacle rapist.

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