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  • D'aww. I'm sure it's not that bad! I want to take a look at it. And well, that's how I feel too. So many good artists on TCoD... they're superior to my stupid little mediocre cheap coloured pencil drawings. Same with my writing skills... but at least you can kick the ass of anybody in your class. (Whoa, that rhymed!)

    I'm glad you think so~! But my voice really is a disaster. It doesn't speak how I want it to speak. Sometimes I think I sound like Ash from Pokemon or something. (When he got the voice actor change) And it makes me... blargh. I wish I could sound more ladylike. Buuut I'm sure you're not fugly, I am curious, yes.

    ;;Uses Letthealga on you;; YOU ARE HEALED!
    Ahaha~ Well, that's good! It probably is just low self-confidence. If you can do high school, that's wow~ But writing is fun, even if I do suck at it. If I ever write though, I'd rather write original than fanfiction. I'm not really interested in reading or writing fanfiction, to be honest. The characterization is hard. >=

    Ooh, no, no, no! That was a fluke! My voice is easily confused and a disaster. Sometimes, I randomly change accents or mispronounce things or something. It's also very weak because I barely use it. It can't be used for singing.

    ...What was that sound?
    Awww. It's okay, I fail at writing too! Canon rape. >= I never want to see any in my life!

    I wish I could play piano but we Letts have Horrid Musical Skillz. (TM)

    The pictures are quite lovely. =O

    GOOD! ;;Holds Bonking Shoe as a threat;;
    I can't bear to read any of it! It's too cringy.

    =O I've never heard of Touhou. What is it? A game?

    Oooh. It's very energetic! Wow... I can't believe all this is a fan. He must be a good piano player.

    Have you learned your lesson?!
    Ah, Badwriting just makes us Letts cringe.

    It made me kinda sleepy, and then I went to lay down in bed for a moment, and I just... conked out. XD That song has sleeping properties!

    ...Typhganster. XDXD I shall remind you. DO NOT DO IT AGAIN! ;;Headbonks;;

    Yeek, slash fiction. It freaks Letts out. The song is pretty though, very soothing.
    Dictionary.com says-

    A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts.

    Which can be roughly translated to HOLYSHITWHATDEATHNOOHGODS.
    ....But I don't even have any real reason for this, but the last time it cropped up I ended up in the ER as a quivering sobbing mess and dnw. ; ;
    I don't get it even when I'm not even close to thinking about it I feel all stomach-knotted-scared-shitless
    ..ugh I don't even know ; ; it really isn't helping that I'm going into stupid immature panick attacks again I'm 19 I shouldn't be all over existentialism... again and my dad can really strike a nerve when I feel scared shitless all day for no reason
    Which parts do you mean?
    (currently manga - Lucy V Nana)

    I'll take a look at those sometime. it's 1 in the morning here in the UK.
    I've seen the whole of the anime before, I'm re-watching it.

    I don't remember much goryer than the first few episodes. God knows how many guards, Kimishima's head, Bando's arms, legs and eyes, Nana bloodied and chained up to a wall, etc.
    a ha ha ha ha

    Just got back into it, watched up to episode 4 of the anime and chapter 9 of the Manga.

    fffff monday art deadline
    Ouch. People are dumb.

    Sounds good. Also, try using TMs to bulk up your team a bit. That worked wonders for me.

    Ever seen Elfen Lied?
    Dayumn. Maybe borrow a gamepack from a friend?

    Sounds good. Some grinding against them should do, pack an Amulet coin for more revives/full restores/etc.
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