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  • Comic-Con...? :0 The only convention around here that I know of is Anime North, and my mom forbids me to go there. *sad face*

    Omfg detective stuff. It's probably my manga/anime-thingy talking, but when I read that I automatically thought of L from Death Note.
    Hooray for inside jokes! Like the Koga pink! *not shot because typh has a gun holster but no gun*
    ckhaaaaaaahaha *cough* *cough*

    Fair enough. But what's the point in having a gun holder if you don't have a gun?


    KAI: Typh, use WATER GUN!
    TYPH: Sorry, haven't got one. I've got a holder though!
    TYPH: ooooohhh...
    KAI: >:c Up The SHUT FUCK
    This is why I have stereotypical perceptions of America.

    by the waaaaay, me and Zora have pretty much decided that you're are our talking Team Rocket mascot pokemon. :」
    Exactly. Spoilers are irresistable. I wouldn't feel too bad if I were you - aside from the whole "aaa he's going to die whry D:" part.
    ...Because you're impatient and you must know everything beforehand? Don't worry, I think the majority of people read spoilers. They're just so irresistable. :3
    I've improved, I think, after sketching endlessly every single day at lunch and sometimes during class, too. Even so, that lineart took at least a good two hours. OTL Plus I had several references.

    I just finished Kai's art trade. :3 Admittedly the background could use some work to emphasize the motion in the picture, but I think I'll do that later. I do believe you said you wanted to see it when it was done...? Or am I being delirious?
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