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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Tell me, whenever has a zombie been cute?

    Sounds very much like Cod.

    Yup. My team are awesome. I want to draw them at somepoint.
    Finalised Sapphire Team:
    -Lucy, Cradily, F
    -Garuda, Aggron, M
    -Melissa, Altaria, F
    -Blanc, Medicham, M
    -Courtney, Seviper, F
    -Leviathan, Kyogre
    No clever metaphor, It's mothers day in the UK today. Or it is for another hour, anyway.

    but but but but nuuuu it can't be /o\ It's too cute to be a Zombie!

    What colour is the fish?
    yaaay~ Enjoy it!

    I've found out recently that not only will Black Hood be going with me to the Cabot Circus event, but Amai-Hime and a friend will be getting HGSS too. I smell 4-way Wifi battles~!


    Good game~ We should totally go again later. Hey, maybe you could participate in that tag battle Mike and I are planning in Shibuya? :D
    elfing hell I've not replied yet. Totally agree with you on that, elf is and elfing good substitute for elfing curse word. I'll stop now before I abuse it.
    ...That's not dumb that's FARKIN AWHSUM. YIN YANG BOMB.
    Psh have you seen my signature stuff I'm the dumb one. >: Except maybe coffee!bat. I enjoy Twitchy.

    And and.. uh.... uh....... *derp'd*
    plz to be stealin concept <:
    Everyone should have theme songs I think~ It's neat to have a musical interpretation of personalities, helps to really get a grasp of their style in battle I think. (Saying this because I constantly have most of my team in battle scenes in my head to their theme songs)
    And masochism tango? o: that sounds kekeke <:

    Also bwahaha~ DCfC shall possess your heart~ ...wait, crap, they've got me too ; ;
    Uh.... might just want to check them yourself. 8D There.. is no running theme, some are serious-ish, some are an absolute joke. xD Like Twitch's. And wait till you hear Alya's.
    Then my two Riolu have this ballstothewall rawk theme as a rival theme, from Guilty Gear 8D
    HEY YOU-

    I've started adding theme songs to my ASB doods and doodettes including a rival theme section and I think we need a Cheshire vs Alya theme for awesome double-down ness 8D I NEED IDEAS THOUGH
    Well, last night I got my first chest, which was black. (Shut up BTW)

    And today I just found a MIssingno. egg, so
    Yeah, for almost a year. xD and I guess as of last night I'll soon have a husband. C:

    ! I know! But since I'm gonna be in Portland, I'm gonna ask if we can drive there for ComicCon. I WILL go. And since my parents are fucking awesome, they'll say yes. And mom likes psych. I wish Dexter was there. Is it?

    Awwww! I was so young when I watched that! ;-;

    Nah, he was our age. And my wife gave me a blue condom.

    Grrrr... I need Psych! It's like the best show in the world. They frickin acknowledged Shassie! <3

    oh, apparently, Im getting married in my boxers with ring pops the day after I graduate. C:
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