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  • Well, then, it'll have to wait for a bit, what with reffing and all this artsy stuff I have to do. Sorry D: But uh, you don't mind having to sign up and whatnot, right? Since I've tried looking before, and all the other paintchat-esque things that don't require sign up are really bad.

    Eh? What's wrong with panicking? Hell, I'd be panicking as well if I thought someone close to me might die; I think everyone would be. Don't sweat it :>

    It was a bit too warm for me, since I had to zip up my hoodie to prevent the ends from bouncing every which way - I had a lot of stuff in my pockets. It'd be perfect if I didn't have to zip up. Taking a walk is really nice, though, especially if there are any ravines nearby. Just bring insect repellant.
    D: ! No no no no no, of course you didn't.. I just... I'm not good with these things.. I freak out, I imagine them personally, as in my mind gives me a playthrough of how I'd be in a situation, and it just makes me.. useless. D: I feel terrible because I want to help but I can't..
    I mean.. I can listen.. I can relate as closely as I could without the experience itself, but... fff...
    Well, that's a bit of a bummer, but if there are more folks there, you'll be well-informed, right? I'm sure he's fine.

    Haha, don't worry. I'd suck ass at digital art if it weren't for my tablet. So when are you up for it?
    I meant that figuratively, before you go phoning the police or anything.

    But yeah you are awesome :>
    Also when my next battle's up we are totally doing that Sacred Heart Hallway challenge we've been meaning to since forever.
    xDDD one crazy picnic indeed

    ... Taught me how to love a woman? I think my brain just broke. Hahahahaha! I could see him forever mocking Wilson for that.

    Awww... I sorry Typh. D:

    I don't know much about Twitter. xD If he hates us does that mean I have no chance of hearing his awesome French accent again? :D?

    ! I was watching the season 3 finale of Psych and fjfjsks. I want season 4.... Shassie = pure win D:
    Well, I don't know much about medicine stuff at all, but so far as I know dialysis isn't too bad as long as you go through the necessary processes often enough? What did the doctors say about him, though? I'm not the best person to talk to about disease-related issues, haha. :'D

    No paper...? Well, maybe you could scrounge around for some, I don't know. Look in the recycling?
    And here I was thinking that he'd learned his lesson from the blue giraffe. I trust the doctors made him stay, right?

    Yeah, 'course we can. :) Well, you'll have to think of a topic, since I suck at starting conversations and such.

    As an aside, do you do digital art at all? If you really want to draw, we could find a paintchat room, or something.
    Hey, if you're fine, I'm sure he will be, too. It's natural to worry, but... at least you'll get to see him tomorrow? Maybe that'll help reassure you that he'll be okay?

    Perhaps you could take your mind off of this for a sec. Draw something, maybe. Drawing makes you feel better, right? I know it makes me feel better. Go nuts. Rip the paper if you really want to.

    How much worse? D: Is it serious? ...For that matter do you guys know what caused it in the first place?
    0-0 Wow. Yeah, It's CPR.

    I'll find something really challenging at somepoint. Just wait.

    X38 Indeed.
    fffff tcod stop deleting my posts.

    Haha, oh yeah, I forgot that. But still.

    A Medical Dictionary? Awesome, wish I had one. Okay then, define Cardiopulmonary Ressucitation. c:<

    Typh, may I say that you're fantastically in touch with your emotions? Some may say that's a bad thing but belive me it's not. Also, your sense of putting others before yourself is to be admired. You would be a fantastic doctor, Ironically.

    I think that someone likes me. :3
    No but still.

    I think I found what you mean, something about a Butt Monkey. Am I right? Because I don't quite get it.

    Haha! He made out with a guy? Was it Shawn? C: *shot* A wood nymph?! Like in Dead Poets Society?! Omg! Cute! How did they discover he was in a porno? xDDD cute little Wilson.

    I just have to say this: Do eet!
    Sweet name amirite

    Metooth has ADHD and can't stop singing. Just like his trainer~!

    Either that or he has to pee.
    Sucks you can't get one until April. ;(

    My God the nostalgia from Crystal

    Crystal was my first hand-held and first Pokemon game. :)

    I love it to bits. <3
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