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  • I got third place in my first Bug-Catching Contest. Lost to some dude who caught the same thing as me and as dude with a Venonat. :I
    Dude. I wish I had an awesome St. Patrick's picnic like that. :] Well, except for the kissing of the chick. St. Patrick's was okay. It wa my cat's birthday. C:

    I would give anything to see Dr. Cox and Lassie together. :]

    I want to see the stripping one! I already loved the one I showed you. <3 Yeah, he was in Xena. And yes he IS in like... everything. :D

    Really?! But last I saw they arrested her. :]
    Your classmates are stupid. That's all there is to it. I'd probably be laughing at them. And there are always things that'll bring you down, but they won't last forever, right?

    If they aren't helping, then find a time to tell them so. It's always worked for me.

    I'd be worried if this is how you normally feel. But it's normal to feel like this once in a while :P
    Y'see? People do care. They might not show it explicitly, but people care.
    Everyone wants to make an impact. It's part of what keeps us going, you know? If people weren't ambitious, they wouldn't be working. They'd just sit out on the streets, drooling and slowly starving to death. But even so, no-one will have the entire human population grieving for them when they die, no matter how big an impact they made. There'll always be a few indifferent individuals. But as long as someone has a few people grieving - and you do - then it's all good.

    *pats* It's okay to feel down. Emotional roller coaster, one might say. I feel down if I haven't gone to school for several days - like now - since I don't get to see my friends, talk to them face to face, but I manage. You'll manage. It's always nice to vent once in a while.
    I generally don't let things get to me, but I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to my friends. :| The one time something happened, I didn't find out until he showed up at school the next day and told me what happened, so.

    And oh dear, Typh, you need to have more confidence in yourself. *pats* What if I said nobody would care if I died? I don't think you'd let that go quietly. And I'm not letting this go quietly. Of course people would miss you. You might think yourself undesireable, but hell, I have a bunch of bad qualities as well. Why do you think people talk to you? Because they like you, of course. If they didn't, and were just replying out of courtesy, they'd try to cut the conversation as soon as possible, no? As far as I can tell, you've got a lot of people talking to you here. In other words, a lot of people would miss you. I randomly bother you at times because I miss talking to you.
    If you die, then life will probably go on as normal. But the bottom line is, we'll miss you. Everyone's different, and everyone fills in a little niche that another can't quite fit in.
    Cubism summed up in a nutshell is analysing an object, say a guitar or bottle, dissecting it into shapes such as cubes, cones and spheres and then drawimg it from multiple angles. Of course, cubism isn't a nutshell and more complex than that, and if it it was, it would be a very thick one.
    We hardly got any snow this year.

    Ohhh, I thought you meant your uncle went crazy. But when you're younger, you don't have as great a mental capacity for those things, right? I think you should be good.
    Why's your break so late? :0

    Uh, I've heard of that... Never tried it, though, because if I recall correctly, it requires sign up.

    Uh... No, I don't think you've told me.
    Wow, that's pretty in-depth. Pulled off correctly, that would look truly amazing. Why not give it a try?

    Also, I showed my art teacher some of my Cubism sketches, and I wasn't expecting much praise considering I'd only really understood cubism earlier that day. But he said that one was "fantastic". brb being happy
    Test? I has a break 8D

    Naw, I just search up 'Paint chat' on Google. I'll go looking for a decent one later. But if you find one that seems good, by all means link me :)

    Was it... that serious? It didn't seem that serious. In any case, the worst seems to be over, so it's okay, right?
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