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  • Haha, nice. I can cook a bit myself as long as I'm following a recipie. Me and my dad sometimes cook spicy duck ramen which tastes great.
    ...I'm sorry, I couldn't help but grin at the blue giraffe xD; Dead people seems like a recurring theme, though.
    Do eet~ :]

    Aw... I watched part of Burn Notice. I really need to see more of it. C: oh and I totally got one of my friends into Dexter. He watched the whole first season in like... a day. haha.

    I went into my sister's room last night and told her my favorite show totally demolishes the fourth wall. :] and she said "Well at least they're up to date with the fans with Shassie." It was great.

    Do youbhave any idea when they'll put it on DVD? C:
    Ah, I'm just athiest. :P

    Oh, I see... Well, there's really nothing you can actually do except hope for the best.
    I'm a pessimist/realist, sorta kinda. I tend to shy away from the bright sides of things, and I always need proof for stuff, etc.

    *pats* If it's not too major, like you said it wasn't, I'm sure you won't hear what you don't want to hear.
    See? It's worked out before; no reason it shouldn't work out now. (haha I really suck at being optimistic, don't I. I'm sorry, I'm a pessimist by nature.)

    Pity sucks, but it's just about what most people can offer. And... well, you make think of yourself as the Butt Monkey, but what if someone else had to walk a mile in your shoes? I don't think they'd be able to cope - well, at least, they wouldn't be as easy-going as you normally are. This is... just really stereotypical comfort, but... :/ Really, the only thing you can do is hang tight.
    I wouldn't understand, no. I have a dead brother, sure, but he died before I was born, so I wouldn't know... It's just... wow, I had no idea. You have all this to deal with and you still manage to plow through. It's okay to rant, really - sometimes you feel like it'll all be fine and then you feel like you'll explode if you keep it to yourself. I can't really sympathize nor help or anything, but I'm pretty sure it'll all work out fine eventually.
    D: I- I don't know what to say. You have a lot of shit to deal with, don't you? I don't know, maybe your worry stems from already losing a family member - your dad died some time ago, right? Since you say it's probably nothing, then I guess you'll have to hang tight and hope it blows over quickly. Just... well, I'm always here if you need someone.
    I finally drew what I was meaning to do for my command string this round
    I need to stop spending all of 2 minutes on these

    ...You heart is hard as stone or mahooogany~
    That's why I'm in such exquisite aahgony~
    My soul is on fire~ It's aflame with desire~
    ..Which is why I perspire when we tangooo~
    Say our love is a flame, not an ember~
    Say it's me you want to dismember~
    A black in my eye, set fire to my tie~
    As we dance to the masochism tango~
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