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    They SO destroyed the fourth wall with that one. Omg... I must say that is sheer awesomeness! Grr I want it so bad now. D:

    I'm sick. C: Actually, that's not really a good thing.

    And I worked 44 hours in 6 days. It was haaard work too. Had to go in front of 1200+ people and sweep the floor at halftime. It was fun though! Met a lot of cool people. C:

    the bear mascot for one of the teams came up to my friend who was sweeping with me at halftime and started grinding on her. It was hilarious. :]

    And I slashed my heel open. With a trash can. It was odd. :] and our game was intense! When they were introducing the other team, everyone from our school in the stands whipped out a newspaper from under our shirts and pretended to read it like the other team was not worth our time. It was great. C:

    And everyone pretty much painted their body with our colors. I love this school. <3
    Mary = dude ?_? Well, sure then. So there'll be a sequel?

    No, I probably am. My schedule: wake up, go to school, get home, do homework, ref, draw, eat dinner, ref, draw, sleep.
    Ohhh, I see. And I do like endearingly creepy people, but not very often. *prods Ichimaru from Bleach*
    I would totally buy that doll, too. Will there only be one D:
    My mom is utterly terrified of mice, but I like them. They're cute :3

    No, seriously, I should get out more xD; I'm so shut out it's not even funny.
    Well creepy stabbity-stab people are usually the first to go? :'D
    Also I swear I heard someone yell but- *shot*

    Nope. I read nothing, watch no movies, nor TV or anything. I just sit in front of the computer and doodle/type stuff.
    Had no idea the finale was so soon o.O

    But yay :D As long as no-one dies, yes?

    And what's Hitchcock? *clueless*
    Actually, going to America and meeting people such as typhs and minkows and crazy linoones is something that I'd love to do. Of course by then I'll have likely forgotten this place and all of the nice people on it but I hope not.
    Wow, you have a list of things you wish to do in the future? That's pretty cool, I guess. I suppose that I aught to form a Bucket List at somepoint in my life.
    Strangely, I only like pairings that make slight sense. I'm not fond of completely in-your-face canon pairings :|
    CROSSOVERS- actually I'm not a big fan of corssovers :| They usually confuse me a lot. Though FMA oh god I am so far behind in that. So. Far. Behind.
    Police box? xD; I don't think I will ever understand the world of TV.

    Also uh have you posted your attacks in our battle yet? :o
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