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  • Well, there's some time to hunt for it, right? Google's your biggest ally there.

    I forget the Fattynum elite 4 levels. Remind me.
    We killed it before it went all angsty. :D

    How did you get Malwalkie to be a Porygon-Z?
    Anyways, what levels are your platydumb team?
    Did I tell you that I created life in Biology once? We were doing an experiment where we soaked bread in water and let it decay in petri dishes. We came back to find a small slug-like mould creature with a pink underbelly, black back and white hairs.


    What's your platynumb team like?

    wait what?
    Ugh, Physics is my least favourite science. Nuclear Physics is fun, but the rest is too dull.

    KAIFACE: USE IT TO blow your mind

    They won't eventually.

    hmm... Blazhy's a bit more serpentine than a Garchomp. Maybe more like a Dragonair.

    I noticed. I'm happy.

    Also, the EXP. Share has made training very easy. I've now an Altaria, Lairon, Seviper, Linoone, Lileep and Meditite. Linoone will eventually be replaced with the Leviathan, but until then, he's great for all of the items.
    Thanku. :3

    (I don't mean letting down your walls as in just... having a large explosion of lots of crying and bursting all alone. You... have to find somebody you trust and tell them what's bothering you. I was worse off when I didn't have any friends I could trust with my sadness and emotions. After I told somebody and just cried to them, I felt so much happier. I still feel a bit sad inside nowadays, but I feel better than I did before. That's what letting your walls down is. It doesn't even have to be anybody near you. I told several internet friends about what was bothering me, and they were all very caring and nice about it. Once I expressed myself, it became a bit less intense inside, and easier to control. Then the Real Me was slowly becoming clearer, and less emotional the more I expressed. I know that seems a bit... contradictory. But the more you express, the better off you feel inside, and the easier it is to SEE the Real You, and maybe it might not even be something you're afraid of. It might be something good. The Real You could just be buried under lots of sadness and emotions and you just have to dig through them.)
    Hit him for me. I can't 'cause I'm with child.

    (Yeah, I know how it is. Walls... I put up a lot too. My emotions can be... crazy and frightening. I've lost control of them enough times to be a bit afraid of the Real Me. There was one time where I just felt prisoner to them, like a puppet being yanked on strings, and there was nothing I could do but go along with them. I lost myself to my emotions, because of all the walls I put up, because of... how much I held them in. If you hold in your emotions too much, then you become really emotional on the inside. If you put up walls... that happens. I go distant at random intervals too, times where I feel like I don't even know people anymore. It's hard, but the only way to really not be afraid of the Real You is to let the walls down, and let the Real You go. Then... gradually, the emotions inside will become more controllable the more you express them.)
    Holy crap-
    I need to invest in some duct tape. Like rite nao.

    Really? I thought duct tape was just for sealing loud people's mouths.

    Yeah, I had to read it over several times before I recognized the tweaked words.

    ... ;~; That is all.
    But now my husband is being MEAN to me. >=

    (I fear that too, y'know? About myself, I mean. The real you is whoever you want to be, it's not something you can't control. If you don't want to be a jerk, then you're not. That's what I try to think. I control my actions, I control my thoughts. And even if I can't control my feelings most times, I'm in control of who I am by what I do.)

    (>= They just don't know the real you. I've been treated a bit badly before too... kids are so cruel.)

    ;;Starts crying;; Oh pleeeease, can't I have a deep-fried chocolate pickle?

    (Whoa. I didn't really cry or anything, since most things don't make me sad if they're like that, but that was pretty sad.)
    Ah. See, that's the problem with people- Just because someone/thing isn't "good" enough for their tastes, they kill it and hurt it. That's just sick.

    That story was sad and moralic at the same time. <333
    ;;Gobbles them up furiously;; Oh nah. Arylettopia's government works totally different. My heir isn't necessarily my child. I can pretty much call anybody I want, regardless of relation, my heir.

    (Oh, that makes sense!)
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