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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Yeah, I have a lot of trouble with shoulders too OTL Hence why I often only draw portraits. Floating heads dominate my math worksheets. *shot*

    And no problem~
    I has tiem nao~ Uh lessee. I don't feel like talking much so have a redline. Sorry about the messiness - doing math homework and I was too lazy to zoom to 100% so I worked from like, 40% or something.

    Basically, you're improved from that last picture I critiqued - I think it was that dude underwater pointing at a fish? *brainfart* Your main problem is that the shoulders aren't wide enough, which in turn makes it look like the arms are connected from the front instead of from the sides, if that made sense.

    And something else I didn't include in the redlines: you're supposed to be wearing a trench coat, right? From the way you drew it, it looks like you're wearing a coat that ends at waist-level, and you have a sorta cape thingy at the back. It's good at the top, but when it nears the thighs, the coat should sorta straighten out, unless it's actually folded and stitched down like that the entire way, which, as you can tell from the portion below, it isn't. So basically, the fold-thingy should go towards the edge of the coat as it nears the thighs. If that made any sense at all. I can try drawing a sorta example thing later, though - it didn't quite work out well when I tried to redline it.

    Rushed critique is rushed
    You wouldn't know, it's from a Portuguese author, but translates to The Son of Odin. It's pretty much Warcraft III + Real World + Vampires + Werewolves + Gazimazillions of Failsauce. A.K.A. it fails. The longest battle has the incredible duration of 10 minutes, and the main character is a total Gary Stu. And much, much more.
    oh man that is the perfect plan


    it is the best truth that ever could be! and that is why it is! o:

    WILL DO hopefully they have no aversion to pineapple or anything!

    Fair enough, some people don't like hugs. Some people don't like highly developed military weapony either.

    Blu is trapped in the house because of the bread in the locks.
    your other personality is a giant, ugly, purple octupus! with cats in each of its nine tentacles

    his name is bert and he rather enjoys monopoly! and he is secretly a puppet controlled by all of the nine cats, so he has a very split personality as well
    Ah right. I like hugs though. They're awkward but they're warm and fuzzy at the same time.

    I once nicknamed a shiny Kyogre Barney.

    blueycones is a gurl. A gurly lahteeos.
    Hell yeah!

    I know what also burns. The book I just finished reading. What's best? The author has the same first name as me. >.>
    Haha. Doing exams and listening to funky internet music. Like veggies with tacos.

    Well, I gotta say that there's serious shit over there. "Do you want you're umbrella back?" *facepalm* But I also read some pretty good fanfic there.

    Well, going to sleep, so I guess I won't answer you for the next 8 hours. Guess I'll talk to you later ;D
    yup! there's no way at all that something like that could ever happen :D

    not in the slightest!
    yes!!!! but anything will work! JUST BLOCK EVERYTHING

    we throw knives at him! for knives are the mortal enemies of pancakes
    Hmmmmm. Nutella. =3

    A nifty ability? You have a radio that plays what you want, when you want, doesn't need batteries and doesn't bother anyone else. And all it requires is a little focus. More than a nifty ability to me ;D

    And I wish I could write something, but 1) I only want to write big plots with many chapters, but 2) get bored veeeery easily. I got some acceptance on a songfic on FanFiction.net though (a long, long time ago).
    oh god

    LOCK EVERY WINDOW EVER bar all the doors

    clog the toilet with loo roll

    cover the keyholes
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