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  • ...What if it were some, I dunno...mysterious force of evilness or something?
    Clearly, people would have a choice between good or evil.
    And I think they should still have pets if they want. I liked playing for Chimani.

    That much is true!
    Or we could just oust that entirely since 'Voli is never around anymore.
    Although someone should be evil, for much epic fightage.

    ...No I would not. :c
    Then what nickname, what gender? :D

    And the kanji is too small for me to read easily... Uh, I think I see the character for 'king' next to Arbok, and 'fire' next to Charmander, though interestingly enough it's not next to Charmeleon or Charizard. I see 'nine' next to Ninetales... etc.
    Also Marowak... :000
    Well I'd also need an idea for plot, which is what I was hoping you'd help with. Midnight wasn't exactly all that clear on why all mods were evil or why Evoli of all people was the leader of team evil.

    ...Oh, I've seen those. They're weird but... sorta pretty.
    But :D I can buy a Treecko for you. If you want.

    Holy shit, that's some awesome stuff there :o Bookmarked~ It looks kinda Okami-styled, and that's automatically awesome in my books.
    Well, let's see. I'm Blazhy's brother, and Blazhy's your mom, making me your uncle, and since you have no other known family, when Blazhy's gone, I'm your guardian. Oh, and then there's Rose. She's better then you. And she's three
    I... suppose so? Haha my win-loss ratio is horrible though 'cuz I kept challenging people that were obviously better than me when I first started.

    Maybe you can go look at Negrek's website and buy some Pokemon that she suggests? They're pretty versatile and all. I got my idea of buying Onix from her.
    It's a her, actually. And it's a deal. Though I still have the Frozen/Phalanx battle to settle with Dwaggleton.

    And mayyyybe I am :D I was considering using Hypnosis for easy destruction next round but I decided to go a bit easy.
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