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  • Well from what I've seen you're a pretty cool person.
    Eh snarks at things and doesnt afraid of anything-*shot*
    Yeah, I think we'll get along. >]

    Now that you've mentioned it I will /never/ be able to unsee it xDDDD

    Because that is a damn awesome song, that's why.
    Well from what I've seen you're a pretty cool person.
    Eh snarks at things and doesnt afraid of anything-*shot*
    Yeah, I think we'll get along. >]

    Now that you've mentioned it I will /never/ be able to unsee it xDDDD

    Because that is a damn awesome song, that's why.
    *blinks and stares up ward* Yes.

    Oh come on, don't be that way. ^^

    ...Yes, yes I am. That was the best thing ever, finding that out xD
    Of course. :3

    Hahaha. I seriously doubt that. *shot*

    !! I love Third Rock From the Sun! Harry ftw! xD
    ...Do you really want to know? D: It's rather embarrassing and crap and aaaaaa. It involves issues that you won't care about, you being stoic and emotionless and whatnot, according to yourself at least.
    Yeah uh I think I'm just being overly paranoid after rambling to some of my other internet buddies... OTL And it's rather awkward too, so if you really want to know, then I think I'll PM it...?
    If you had the whole of yesterday off why didn't you talk to me? I got bored.

    Sleeping is what I want to do now.
    Went to the Tate Modern and the Tate Britain art galleries in London as part of a school trip today. I'm tired.
    Looking back in our conversation.

    At one point, you told me not to VM you due to 'high octane nightmere fuel'. I've always kind of thought that must be a computor problem, but I've visted TV Tropes since and now know otherwise.

    So, I was just wondering what you were referring to.
    eight's cool o/ I don't care, I'm second-richest to you so :B

    leave a message in the bank and we can circumvent the whole trading thread thing, just link to this convo
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