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    Are you kidding? That idea is amazing! It sounds awesome!

    I have gotten into a new show : Dexter. Serial killers killing criminals. It's awesome.
    D: You're setting a Taillow on fire? *hugs Ventus* Technically she's a Swellow now but... D:

    Anyway explosions :D And fire :D Exploding fire? :D Hurry up and type faster, woman!
    Flanderized...? The term escapes me D:

    Haha it's the opposite for me. I'm all feel and no think. *brainless*
    I'm pretty sure you've seen my post, but...
    INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
    That's sorta accurate, except for the emotional face to the world thing. I tend to keep my emotions hidden. So I'm sorta a cross between INFP and ISFP - in fact, my intuitive and sensing part was pretty close.

    Both of those sound rather like you. What percentage did you get on the feeling/thinking part?

    And I don't mind personality test stuff :3 In fact, I love them.
    FMA! :D That was the first full set of anime I ever watched. Though I've still yet to read the manga and catch up on the 2nd season.
    I can't give you a link due to a lack of C+P on the DSi, but searxh for Dax Johnson on google and it's David Nevue's blog.

    Your thoughts?
    "And you're quite right, Tom, pineapple is my favourite. But how did you know..."

    Oh man, I've taken a look at a blog about Dax and wow. I'm amazed, but I understand every word that was written. He was talented, he was charismatic, he poured emotion into his music and it truly is a shame that he died in 2005. And yet I still hear people harping on about Jackson. MJ was good, no, he was great. But the true legend lies within Dax Johnson and his music.
    Your thoughts?
    :o nuuuu you didn't hear anything pleeeeease!

    whoo go you. I've set down base colour and will start shading soon, it may be late next week due to german exam 'n' shit.

    meh, I don't care much for mobiles.

    Meh, I

    and since I'm listening to it rn: you must listen to this if you enjoy jp music, or if you don't, for it is awesome \o/
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