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  • Ooh, can't wait to go read it~
    Unfortunately, my stalking skills aren't exactly up to par, so it would be nice if you could tell me when you post it '^-^
    Ah, yes. At least you've got some kids to watch after school, when you need community service hours =3

    That's just McNair, I think. In most other schools, grades don't matter as much - you'll stay in, but of course you'll need to repeat them. You can, however, get kicked out if your attendance is bad enough.

    Also, you might want to take a look at that area of yours =3
    A middle school, or one of those schools that have kinder through 8th? =3

    I failed three classes - they kick you out if you fail two or more. So yeah, I'm repeating those three classes this year >.>
    It's too nerdy, in my opinion. And a good number of the teachers there also happen to be very rude - some of them are racist, too. I'm Asian, though, so I didn't have many problems...with the teachers, at least >.>

    So, you're a freshman or in 8th grade? =3
    Advanced classes? Bahh I got kicked out. I'm a sophomore, and the school I got kicked out of last year was...*drumroll* McNair! =O

    Of the decade, century, millennium, whatever tickles your fancy =3
    Jersey City? I'd fall off my chair laughing if it turned out we knew each other already xD

    Enjoy? Bwahaha! Understatement much? <3

    Don't say that, your drawings are really cool. Sure they may not be as impressive as Blazhy's or as cute as Danni's, but they make up for it in funny.
    Haha, go and sing it until your lungs go sore.

    The contest is going okay, but I'm getting a lot of standalone images being entered. I'm getting annoyed of telling people it's for drawing processes.
    As in New Jersey, US, yes.
    Are you here as well? =3

    And and also...Long Eyed Field <333
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