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  • Ah, I thought you were gonna use your Torkoal, what with its notes in your PC. Or is Torkoal also gonna be a part of it?

    And yeah, I saw. :3 I see every post in the Safari Zone as well as in ASB. Mwahaha
    eh? I don't quite understand.

    tch. If you want to look fancy you have to look VON KARMA fancy. Formal clothing, a crevat, a broock with some kind of jewel, gold trim and a cane/stungun/whip/sneer/epic fingerwag. And you have to have been shot in the shoulder. 8B

    I'll take a look at it in a bit, I have slightly more pressing matters at the moment. Like, revision.
    You still get a common Pokemon, though~ And like I said, you never know, your idea alone could be awesome enough :0
    Haha, but with shading, my pictures often take 6 hours, usually longer. OTL I'd like to be able to draw faster, honestly...

    And oh God D: Celebiiiii hopefully I can still get it...?
    Sweet, you got a fedora!

    *doo dododo doodoodoo dooooo~*

    Stew? What kind? We usually have Chicken and Leek stew that my dad makes and mmm~

    Yeah, I'm setting up a flipnote now to revise for my german. I'm also planning a contest on Hatena.
    ...Why? ;.;

    Also, at the bus stop yesterday, I got in a snowball fight and was hit in the dick.

    ...Why? ;.;

    Also, at the bus stop yesterday, I got in a snowball fight and was hit in the dick.

    Come on, Proton? Petril? What the hell, Nintendo?

    So, this fortnight in a nutshell; Finish art board for Friday, Sort out sheet music for music performance exam before thursday, hand in sheet music on thursday, see Hood on thursday, Revise for German mock oral exam until tuesday, get my guitar from repair asap and practice with friend for music performance exam until monday, hand in Art Board on friday, take music performance exam on monday, take german mock oral exam on tuesday, visit Tate modern and Tate bristol galleries on thursday/friday. Bugger to Optimism month.
    Ugh, just saw the new Team Rocket Admin names. They didn't need to be changed, didn't they (well, maybe Lance's for obvious reasons)? It's just a huge disappointment.
    Hugh Laurie isn't known as God. God is known as Hugh Laurie.

    asdf that made sense in my head.
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