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  • Holy shit.

    ...I mean, just wow. That...

    They should instead play Jedward, Miley Cyrus, High school musical and the battle with Giygas music.

    Where are you going for a field trip? With any luck, I'll be off to the Tate gallery next Thursday.

    And it's photo day tomorrow, for the yearbook.
    Ah well, never mind. At least you've answered now~


    Field trip? Where ya headed?


    Well, it's optimism month, so you may as well enjoy it.

    I have a music performance exam in a weeks time, my guitar is under repair and I haven't started to practice with my friend for my collaboration piece. I'd usually say something along the lines of FUCK but It's optimish month so I've just got to think "hey at least it's real-life preparation for stress.

    This optimism thing is challenging.
    Ah, as for digital... I STILL TAKE THAT LONG OTL I just can't get the anatomy and stuff right, and I have to change it so much and arrghhh

    *pulls out a cookie jar*

    yeah, exactly. I take at least an hour to sketch my hyumanz, usually more. OTL I fail.

    *nomnom* Well take your time, you've got two weeks. *nomnom* You want another?
    Exclamation mark! I could make him shoop da whoop!

    Actually, yes I have. I watch you on dA, remember? :0 And they're not THAT bad. How long did you take for the "Hey dad, it's a fish!" or whatever that was called?

    *gives you a cookie* Hey, if you've got a good idea for your RP thing, then you're pretty much set! If you want some ideas, you could always read over the ASB contests.
    That's sorta what I was thinking, too :0 Or he could be shooting a Magikarp or something- *bricked*

    And no, not really... OTL I mean I sorta can, but it takes a loooooong time.

    But hey you'll get a common Pokemon at least right? :0
    I find them pretty easy - if I know the topic, that is. But I tend to write too much and run out of time, or something OTL

    Ah, I want to incorporate Kai somehow in the picture. Like him interacting with one of his favourite 'mons. But aaa, I'll think of that later~

    Well yeah, but I bet a bunch of other people are going to enter. And quite a few are ASB refs, or used to be - Mike, Walker, Grass King, Blastoise - and some of them are RPers, like moon-panther and FMC. So uh yeah OTL We've all got a ton of competition.
    And the background... well, there was going to be a lot of fire, so VOLCANOES WHY THE HELL NOT. And I don't think my volcabulary is very colourful? :0? Honestly, I tend to abuse the 'synonyms' function in Word. OTL
    Yes, that's basically me. xD
    Anyway, I got my English exam back, and I got a 100%~ Whoo! Though then again it was hell easy.

    Ah, okay... uhh... ._. *brainfart*

    Am I? :'D I spent quite some time typing that. Though some of the wording is still rather awkward and aaa I have a feeling I could've made it much better OTL
    OH YES nearly forgot.

    Do you mind telling me some of Kai's favourite Pokemon? Doing an art trade with him, but I can't think of what to draw. Aside from Kai himself, of course.
    Well, then by that logic my shoulders should be falling off too.
    It's my knees that are falling off actually.

    ! Another giftie! :D
    And uh I have like 0 community hours so far OTL Blazhy fails. I'm planning on racking them up over the summer, though.
    I'm the laid-back person~ While all my classmates are going "OMFG EXAMS DDD: KILL ME NAO" I'm just like "bah, I studied for like two hours. I should be fine. ...hey you stop flailing." It's a combination of a semi-photographic memory and laziness OTL
    What happened, anyway? o.O Did you just wake up like that?

    Well, I'm a giftie, so my class sorta learns faster than the others, but since exams are for all classes - basically every class gets the same exam - the teachers had to turn down the difficulty so the other classes didn't bomb the test. In other words, exams were a piece of cake for me.

    Not sure about your circumstances, but from my view (which is slightly distorted but), you shouldn't be too nervous :P
    How do you use the WhipCane?

    Well, virus CAN travel through cyberspace, y'know. :B

    You know, I'm getting tired. It feels as if my life's been plunged into a routine again, even though I'm off school every other day. I get up, go on tCoD, go on Hatena, make a Flipnote or two, have a chat with you and go to sleep, only to wake up again the next day and start it all over.
    Moochasaurus Rex says rawr. >:D

    Trenchcoat? What am I missing?! D: I want to watch soooo badly~ ;-;

    Hahahaha. It makes sense~ *Twilight Zone theme* >:D

    Yay! :DDD Typh drawings are <3

    Dude, my birthday was sweet. Apparently I'm a natural at poker and lockpicking. And I got cake thrown in my face and hair. And I got two awesome pinatas. :D Oh, and they had a spank machine. D:

    But it was amazing. <3
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