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  • Yeah, 100 pedestrian cars. And most were families. Uh.

    I was afraid of getting tased, so I was ready to hit police with my sled. Uh.
    Pretty good. Cops shooed us out of our first hill, the one with one-hundred cars at it. JACKASSES. So, we went by the old library. FUN.
    Ah, those two seem right. lol Howse and his walking bone.

    Streampunk is docile in nature, believe it or not.
    Boik! I broke your stupid crap, moron!

    What about the main characters? You know, like, House, Cuddy, Chase, Cameron and Wilson?

    In contrast, I may be too deep when it comes to naming pokemon.
    Malwalkie? That seems odd. Any reason why?
    And Foreman stikes me as an Ursaring, actually. What other House/Pokemon ideas have you, typh?

    FE FI FO FUM I SMELL THE BLOOD OF AN american, actually. Hrmm.

    and what's not there?
    Tall? I'm a little bit smaller than most of my friends so we must all be giants or something.

    THAT SHOT really doesn't hurt much at all, does it? It's the ache afterwards that worries me. It last for aaaaaggges.
    Porygon? What's it's name? Knowing you it'll be Foreman or something like that.

    Hooway fow da wowipop! I like either cherry or cola lolipops myself, usually Chuppa Chupps.
    eeeee that sounds wierd. But then again, I've had white chocolate and ginger cheesecake before und das war sehr lecker. If there's a Wagamamas in America, go there.
    I usually keep the sticks too, but only to distract my mouth since I have a habit of biting my cheek. It had healed at one point but then om nom nom it was ruined again. Bah.

    As much as I despise Ben right now I can't deny that I enjoyed making the christmas special. Plus I've reconciled with Damian (The Master) anyway. Enjoy, but turn the volume right down whenever Ben's sat in his chair talking to the camera.
    Haha. Everyone's saying that. My friend gave us all dinosaur names. I'm Moochasaurus Rex, he's Velocitrevin. He sent me a text this morning saying "Rawr snarly snarl rawr rawr" and told me it meant Happy Birthday in dinosaur. It was cute. :]

    !!!!! BOXERS?! DDDDD: Waaaaant!

    Yes Torchwood ftw! I love Torchwood!

    Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear meee, happy birthday to me... ;]
    I was sent home from school today. You know, coughing fits and all.

    5"10. And you're taller than my mum, Typh. XD
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