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  • That sounds magical 83

    You should join MSPA forums and make Janitor do similarly crazy things to being ridden lie a mechanical bull by Mike. And make STEPHEN FRY GOES ON AN ADVENTURE WITH MARSHMALLOWS BEHHH

    ...but don't give up >: I bet Mike isn't even going to interpret my chicken scribbles correctly and make it like highly flammable toothpaste.
    Haha, that looks awesome. I'll look at it some other time.

    I'll be off to sleep in about half an hour.

    And I think I invented the word "fantasmical"
    Hey Typh? what time do you get online at? It's really been annoying me because I can only talk to you at night on my DSi.

    Also, that's 3 hours. Plenty 0f time to do whatever.
    Oh it wasn't a great important exam, just a little test. But I've got used to time off now. It sucks.

    Oh, have you seen my signature yet?
    Thanks. I'll take a look later, and pop into Long Eyed Field too.

    I suppose the same can be said for my style, too. I started off doing very manga-style drawings for about 2 years, and then that changed over time into how I draw nowadays. To tell the truth, I'm more content with my style now than I ever have been.

    Fair enough.

    Yeah, took the day off due to my cold today. Good side; Missed a german exam I hadn't revised for and an art lesson. Bad side; The cold, and I've missed school way to mich this term.
    That'll be on Friday, approximately. Also, I finally finished studying for my science exam. OTL Did you know, I was so bored that in the middle of it I took a 15-minute break to read about Shooping da Whoop.

    But more friendly snarking! :0

    And apparently art 'is useless and doesn't contribute as much to society as being a doctor lolol.' BULLSHIT. *raaaaaage*

    The art program I'm applying to is, apparently, very homework-centric. Hopefully I can make it OTL

    Talking? As in general noise? I have an incredibly noisy class, but I can tune out stuff. Selective hearing :D
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