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  • :0 Apparently I'm a big eater, too. Despite my stature. Looks can be deceiving.

    Also: ARGH STILL NOT DONE MY ARTZ ;-; I'm probably gonna spend the next two days drawing like crazy, and then I'll fail my exams because I have no time left to study! Joy!
    ...turtle fetish...?

    Well, there's plenty of love holes to poke around in and oh god i'm thinking too hard about this subject.

    aaand the eclipse tower seems to have died down slightly.
    New nickname?

    ONE GOAT TAKES YOU OUT OF THE GROUP "I have never had sex with a goat before"


    I have never hunted before. I have aso never had sex with a goat before, unlike one unfortunate facebooker made it seem
    ... WHAT? NOOOOOO!

    I don't... ;-; David Tennant was so awesome though, and and! Noooo...

    xDDDDD ily Sylar is a bamf. :]
    Ha. Don't worry about it.

    You do not. Oh god, I just thought of that image, and I must say, I had no idea I was such a fangirl of the Doctor until now. o.o

    Although I have been watching Heroes too. <3 :D
    Yup, egg sammich. I only have one aday, but you're right, they are comfy and easy to wear. No wait that was wrong.
    I don't ever e-mail anybody, I usually talk to people through whatever website they're on. But when junk e-mail isn't enlarge your pen15 in 30 days it's quite amusing. Once, a russian woman asked me to donate a wood burner, rather than money.
    Yup. All you really need is your parent's consent, I think. But yeah, MOVING ON!

    Yup yup. :]

    Yay! Lassie! God, I've missed Psych so much. D: I've been reduced to watching the OC. ;-;

    He's 17. We're like 2 and a half years apart. But yeah, he's pretty much made his mind, proposed, have the rings, and everything.

    *chases you* Typh is a good person~ Typh is a good person~

    Omg, he did? Where in Alaska? Where? :DDD I remember watching the Cabin Fever episode of Mythbusters. Oh! And then they went to Ketchikan! Which is like... fjdakfjda sooo close to my home! :D
    Yeah. :]

    DDDDD: Awwww... Hm. Actually, I think my sister tried to get me to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion or however you spell it. Durrr.... tired Mercy cannot slepp. Fuck, I mean spell. xD

    ... Joseph? xDDDD no no no, he's like my brother. :] ... i fell in love with someone who's engaged now. we had a thing before and stuff and.... ;-; yeah.

    And you are always here! Typh always makes me feel better! :DD
    Yeah, poor Wilson. He deserves someone. :] ... Like House *shot*

    Nah, it's totally okay. I'll be fine. AND it'll be even better when they come out cause I can watch like... a whole season in a day! :D ... actually I wouldn't doubt me doing that.

    Bleh, it's okay. This semester hasn't started out that great, I hope it gets better. Everyone's just being... eh. I dunno. Except Joseph, he never ignores me. C:
    I'm actually kinda glad Wilson got the girl. :]

    Yay! A Psych I won't be able to see. >:

    And I can't decide if this upcoming Friday will be the best or worst day of my life.
    Not really, it just seems like a discussion that doesn't go anywhere beyond "I'm Sorry". And it can be uncomfortable for others.

    Sharon truly is fantastic, even if she always makes egg sandwiches for lunch whenever people come round.

    Damn chainmail. I keep on asking people to stop sending me it but noooo it has to be me even though they have the whole frickin school on their contacts list.

    I know how to kickass guntwirl typh
    (Hahaha... really? That's awesome! :]

    Nope. My sister is moving to college, Mom with her. I go, obviously, too.)
    Could we ... end this line of discussion?

    I know. And she's currently dating someone. Not to mention she earns enough to buy her two youngest DSi for christmas.
    Hang on a sec, I may have jumped to a conclusion. Is Mam your mum or someone else? But anyway psychology degree I mean wow.


    Well, what mother wouldn't be afraid, eh? Young people just need to learn that you need to be sensible and how to spot a paedo.

    So, you interested in modelling for me? You don't even have to wear any clo- *axe murdered*
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