• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Most of us do get past death over time. The only death in the family I've experienced is my uncle, who was a spitting image of PC Selby. He was too cool. But I admire my aunt, who, after his death, has to raise three children and a young adult (my cousins) and still manages to get a degree in nursing. She does night shifts, mostly, I think.

    *coughbullshitcough*. Typh, look at how many messages we've exchangeed. And then consider how many with everybody else. You may be the biggest chatterbox of us all on tCoD, no offence meant!

    :3 that's adorable! I love it how you're always doing nice things for people when they need it~
    You've really enjoyed playing at the Eclipse Tower, haven't you? If you want better Pokemon you need to fly.
    ...you gave me a Buizel. But oh well. I got a ton of awesome stuff, including a Lapras from Mike.

    And made a new area.
    Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the Ocean Causing a Commotion
    Cuz they are so awesome
    Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean
    Pretty big and pretty White
    They beat a polarbear in a fight
    Like an underwater Unicorn
    They got a kickass facial horn!
    Their the jedi's of the sea!
    They stop Cthuly eating ye!
    Narwhals they are Narwhals Narwhals!
    Just dont let them touch your balls!
    Narwhals They are narwhals!
    Inventors of the Shishkebab!
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