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  • It's the hat, for sure. I passed a post of yours and was like WTFHAT?! and scrolled back up thinking TYPH?!
    I was hats like that. >:

    ...yes I shall go make tea. I needs.
    argharbgtjklrgklabgk why am i so dumb and brainded that i cant think of commands nor use proper punctuation or capitalisation D:

    The art thread's in danger! *gasp!*

    Don't change your style. Ever.

    What's annoying me is this wretched cold. My throat hurts, my nose runs, I'm constantly coughing and when I do it's bile that I'm coughing up. And I'm going into school every day with it. Except it's getting worse.

    Snarkiness and sarcasm are traits that the intelligent posess, like wit and a sharp tounge. Although it's fools that use them as insults.

    Nah, iTunes likely. YouTube sucks for uploading stuff.
    Sunkern and Hoppip. And Baltoy.

    Well that's a bloody surprise, compared to what's happened to my art threads in the past. One died after living a long and healthy life, one died after not, and my current has caught crib death.
    My friends have the most amazing nicknames ever, rivalling the ones you give. Gary McAgatha Trunchble, Larry the communist letdown and MP Trollop of Azerbaijan.

    :o that is very damn epic. Kai wants a wowipop nao.

    I've reconciled with MP Trollop a long time ago, although that incident did start a two-week long cold war between us. And you've lost me on the last part of that sentence.

    Nah, this was about 2 days ago. But I've noticed that if you just go by observing people you can see their true natures. People are scum.

    In other news, I've been thinking about hosting a podcast where I discuss and rant about the big issues of life with my neighbour.
    Sure, what do you have so far?

    Stars, not views. But yeah. And I'm sure that you could get the hang of Flipnote Studio but wait no save your moneyz.

    That sounds pretty cool, like the sort of thing the old headteacher of my old school would do. His name was Mr. Berry and he retired about 3-4 years ago. But he was awesome.

    And my faith in humanity dropped when I saw a cartain flipnote; a 10-year old girl posted a photo of herself and asked whether or not she looked "fit".
    :o make an area full of forgotten pokemon!

    Also, tiny mistake. It's actually *100,000 that I have on Hatena.
    I wonder why that is? *whistles innocently*

    Not exactly push the right buttons, persay, but... well, you're a lot like this one friend I have. You choose who to not act cold towards - in your case, people who are at or above your intelligence level. At least that's my impression.

    I don't like people like that, either. Hell, you'd think marks come before life from the way they talk. If you were dead, then you wouldn't be able to get any marks at all amiright? ._. I know teenagers are all 'lol I hate my parents' but seriously, I hate it when people put that much emphasis on marks. Not to mention that my mom doesn't quite approve of my career choice to start with >.>
    I just want to get high marks so I don't get yelled at, so no offense taken~

    Bah, to be honest you only need to really, really try in grade 12 - that's the only report card universities and shit will look at - but since I have to maintain a high average to stay in that art program, I have to try in all 4 years.
    Who needs a torch? *Fire Blast*

    I've only read a few of your conversations with Kai and none of them with Mercy, but yes, you're a good person. :0 Most people wouldn't bother to draw stuff for people when they feel down; they'd go 'hope you feel better hurdur' and skip off. You may talk harsh but your actions - at least online - are nice x3 tl;dr you're a good person when one gets to know you.

    My mom is insane about marks. I think she expects 100% from me, or something. Which is not humanly possible because the uber-nerd in the class got 98% in geography - and our geography teacher is a soft marker. In my eyes, 82% is good since it's above the class average, but in my mom's eyes it's a fail. I mean what.

    Lol I used to not care about marks at all, but what with this being high school I need to start trying. ._.
    I have to admit, I cracked a grin at that x3 It's hard to make me laugh over the internet.

    Ah, I'm in the 90s or so as well. Though I've done horribly in science ;-; 82% man, 82%! Admittedly I wasn't trying at all and never studied and always half-assed my assignments, but durr. My mom's probably gonna spazz at me.

    One of my classmates and my brother. :0
    Ooooh, so you're kinda like a frog in that aspect! :D Apparently you can submerge a frog in water and slowly turn up the heat until it's above boiling and it'll still be fine. Haha I don't know I just find that interesting and when I talk about interesting stuff I tend to ramble. So, something else that I find interesting is that- *shot*

    I screw up all the time. OTL Though, my marks are still somehow some of the highest in the class. It's magic. :0

    Durhur neither can I. Actually, I've only met one or two people who can do an authentic evil laugh. It's harder than it sounds~
    What that sorta contradicts the boiling water thing but okay...? o.O

    Durhur well break into school early next morning, pilfer the book, go home, read it before school starts, and then go to school? :'D lolno
    All the days of the week blend in for me. Weekends aren't really different from weekdays, really. Though I often look forward to Mondays because I like my classmates :D

    Aw. :( Oh, well, maybe he/she'll have to go to Spain in the future.
    :000 That's cool and slightly freaky at once. I dislike heat a lot, but I'm cool with the cold (no pun intended). I can go around without a jacket in like 0 degrees Celsius weather xP

    D: Uh did you leave it at school or something?

    Actually, I don't lol at them. I rofl at them. Tell them I said good luck in the future?
    I'm just... really paranoid that I'll get burned horribly, or something. I can't stand heat.

    D: No Typh I shall revive you with phoenix down or something! I mentioned my exams right. Wednesday oh God I'm going to die I haven't even started studying yet.

    Did they ever use math in that context, or science? If so, I lol at them. Hard.
    $228? That's a lot of money, dont'cha think? What on earth could you possibly spend all of that on?

    Icondump? Nice. I've got a folder full of all of the avatars I've used on tCoD and elsewhere on my computer. And an Obsessive Scribbles folder. Guess what's stored in there. ;D

    also *1,000,000 stars on Hatena. Booyah!
    I could probably be a good cook if I wasn't scared of oil jumping out of the pan and killing me, or something. I'm really good at frying eggs - best in the family, in fact - but I'm too chicken to try making anything else OTL

    Durhur I haven't drank cranberry juice before, either. I'm not very fond of fruit juices, save for mango juice.

    Most likely...? A bunch of people in my class are all 'oh school sucks why the hell am I here'. I'd love to see where they are five years from now.
    Oh, I see :0 My parents only cook dinner, and that's pretty far away from lunch (7 hours or so?) so whenever it's done, they're just like "EAT NAO" and I can't refuse. My mom's cooking is pretty good, but my grandpa's cooking is plain epic. Buh he's going back to HK in about a week, unfortunately.

    OHNOES RUN- *shot again*

    Durhur one of my teachers is too soft on marking, another is a plain idiot and doesn't know how to mark at all. The other two are rather harsh, but good teachers overall. It's just aaa exams ;-;

    Cranberry... sauce... I am ashamed to say I have never tasted cranberry sauce. OTL The only cranberry-related stuff I've ever eaten is dried cranberries.
    Durhur, everyone around me is nearly 6 feet or so. OTL And I'm still stuck at like 5'4"ish. I'm one of the shortest in the class. Ironically, back in grade 7 when I was the tallest, I teased people about being short.
    My dad's about 6 feet or so. I take after my dad a lot - look like him, act like him, but for some reason I'm nowhere near as tall as him. WHRYYY.

    Only two hours? That's not a lot. Personally my record for going on without eating anything without feeling hungry is... about 18 hours, I believe? My metabolism is screwed up. I'm still a picky eater, though, but when there's something I like on the dinner table - bam, there goes half of it.

    Everyone gets distracted by shiny shit. It's the best distractor there is. Does that mean Grass King is shiny- *shot*

    Yay :D I would ask to read it when you're done but I'm too busy and yadda yadda yadda. Homework sucks.

    Soda ;-; I'm stuck with tea. Well, not that I'm complaining.
    Damnit noooo ;-; You're about as tall as I am. I feel so short nowadays. OTL
    ... o.O Okay that is pretty hardcore. I eat like, a sandwich in the morning, usually less. Just that I have the stomach capacity to eat like no tomorrow during lunch and dinner. And possibly a meal between those two.

    Thursday's plenty of time, actually :V I wish I had until Thursday to finish my crap.

    Aw damnit whry ;-; Cancer's all fine and dandy, but I prefer diseases that are less known and stuff.
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