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  • I KNOW i saw somebody called typhleton had posted in mspm and i was all TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPH.

    Typhelton is your new name.
    Oh yeah, I forgot about the Whip!Cane.

    I don't know if I'll be going to school tomorrow, I'll have to ask for some work to be sent home.
    Oh, yeah, I don't really reply much on dA OTL Too many things to reply to, and then I get lazy.

    Uh, pairings from games that I play. Like, from TWEWY or ToS2 or BlazBlue, or from anime, such as 07-Ghost... blah blah blah.
    Ah right. Good luck.

    I've now watched all four indiana jones films. Badass longcoat, fedora and whip? Sounds like someone I know.
    Iiiii dunno, I've never been fond of it since a piece of it ended up on my pizza. It tasted... strange. I don't like stuff with pineapples' general texture. :<

    Of course it does! BUTTRAPE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND- *shot, bricked, Hyper Beam'd, and other painful past-tense verbs*
    Actually I would prefer apple. I'm not fond of pineapple. *nomnom*

    Well then that works :D Blazhy is a happy dragon.
    Game Freak needs to make a move called Ninja Toe.

    *produces a flamethrower out of nowhere* BURNINATE
    Cake? I SUPPORT PIE.
    Though tea :D Sure!

    Actually more like whatever kinda rape Outrage is but sure buttrape works- *shot*

    *edges nervously away from explosions*
    D: I was wondering what took you so long. *clings* I WAS LONELY, TYPH.


    :D I am now an uber! Now send me out against the Elite 4 so I can rape some shit.

    Actually, maybe I won't, so you can attempt to teach my mom a lesson. :|
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