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  • (x3)

    I really do wish there weren't occasional sex ed classes where they actually tried to teach us stuff ;_;
    can we stop talking about blue waffles now
    (<333 yush really *huggles*)

    I only saw like a teeny icon-sized version of it which downgraded its grossness to just "urgh :l" but yes, I can imagine it's probably very horrible. Hell, the non-bluewaffled version is bad enough.
    Dicky = malfunctioning, fragile, broken etc.

    I've seen some videos of people playing that showing their reactions. Frickin' hilarious c:
    ...i'm horrible aren't i
    I know right ;-; They're like so obvious as well. "WATCH THIS VIDEO WITH YOUR SPEAKERS TURNED UP REALLY LOUD K" but somehow you just see that and go "okay derp 8D"

    Once however I fell for one which was purporting to be an "optical illusion" which required you to look at a photo of a room until you notice something "horribly wrong" with it. Oh, but before I got there I went through about two pages telling me to go away if I have a dicky heart. Frankly I deserved to have the speakers on :l
    Of course! She pulls frozen chickens and stuff out of them.

    (Okay i've fallen for a rickroll and two screamers today. I think YouTube wins. :l)
    Eh. I dislike funny shirts. They're all "LOOK AT THIS GARMENT I HAVE ON WITH A WITTY SLOGAN SOMEONE ELSE WROTE. THAT MAKES ME FUNNY RIGHT? RIGHT? PLEASE LOVE ME D':". I made an exception for this shirt because it's so damn awesome.
    I have a VG Cats t-shirt based on that strip where Leo is in a Pokémon battle with a sammich and he knows Eat, Sleep, Breathe and Videogames and he levels up and replaces Breathe with Poop and passes out.
    Why should I be able to drive I have no need for driving where would I go I just stay at home and sleep all the time.
    I can't drive over the sea >:C In fact I can't drive at all.
    It may be in everyone's best interests if we just both remain in our respective homes.
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