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  • N'awww~ I'm glad you like him :3

    I like drawing Wilson. I enjoy his eyebrows so much.

    You know who I should draw? Alan Davies. You just created a monster.
    Ohhhhhh! Okay xD

    Man, this is cool. I put "Spin around~ Ninjas~ :]" as my status on facebook and now pretty much we're having a Ninjas vs. Pirates war on my status. And ending with Austin and his "oh you lost the game. Pwn't. >:D" :| I lost... ;-;
    I dunno, he just doesn't look Doctor-ish D:

    xDD Need to buy it on eBay or something~
    My best friend was telling me that when she was little and whenever she was sick, she'd read the book about Snuffy called "Snuffy Has The Sniffles" xD So cute ♥

    11th? D: Noooo... the new one is... ugh. Have David Tennant. :D
    Snuffy was in there?! :DDD

    Cute. xD Now I wish it was on Youtube so I could watch it. Speaking of Youtube, my sister and I have been watching the "literal versions of music videos" and it's great. Love Is A Battlefield was like... the best. xD

    YES OH GOD YES <33
    <333 Cuuuute! That sounds so adorable! ♥

    What would the cake be of though? :DD
    Like it always is. He fake insults me, I fake insult him back. And back and forth, back and forth. Just the same old friendship. xD
    I'm better-ish.

    And that is always a possibility. xD ALWAYS. I don't think I could object to it at all~ But funny thing is, after you signed off, he messaged me. It was interesting.
    No that's not it
    Damn I hate that when you remember some quote from somewhere and someone else heard the same quote but from something you've never heard of and you're just aaaarg.
    Where is your usertitle from I have heard that sentence before and i cannot remember where D:
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