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  • Sorry, I shouldn't have been so inconsiderate. I'll upload thos doodles then, but prolly only my scrapbook. Ellis is into anime, manga, cosplaying, gaming, drawing, online talking and pocky.
    As I said before, Ellis is stuck at home doing nothing because she can't get a part-time job, and She's really gloomy atm. I've recommended she do loads of things but she's either done or can't do it all. I wish I could help her out but Iunno how. I kinda need your help on this one, Typh, and since it was your opinion to message through tCoD I'd be disappointed not to be replied to.
    I did a load of biro doodles in my workbreaks, but I'm unsure of whether or not to dA them. Your thoughts?
    I've been working all week and Jord's on holiday, so I've not had much of a chance to meet up with anyone. Ellis is feeling the boredom of study leave now and she can't get herself a part-time job, so she's been a bit down.
    xDD I love how Jules was just like "EW! *shakes head*" And then he suggested coffee.

    Was it an M&M bowl? In Lassie Did A Bad, Bad Thing? When he was going for the pistol that wasn't there? Huh, I didn't know that. o:

    Then he figured out who the rapist was. xD

    Dude, I'm a loser, but I'm watching Scooby Doo, and it's like I'm preparing for Freddie Prinze Jr.'s appearance next week. :D I love watching movies you watched when you were little, because you actually GET things. Like Freddie was all "I'm a man of substance. Nerdy girls like you can turn me on too!" xD

    (Also, MSN broke? DDD:)
    That ep was just simply amazing. Although am I the only one who thought the heavy petting thing was a bit much? I mean, Shawn usually isn't that sexual. o.o

    Also, there was a total hole in the ep. When they're arguing and Shawn has Lassie's keys, then the car goes through the garage and Lassie gets in his car and chases after? Yeah, he never grabbed his car keys from Shawn so how could he start the fricking car? xD

    Also, I was disappointed when I didn't see Lassie tap-dacing with Gus, but then they made him tap with the kids, which was better! xD
    IT WAS!

    Oh man that was so satisfying! I loved how Lassie was tap-dancing to get ideas and then started breaking into song about the car and the garage. <3 Eeee, that was great. And the ending was pretty awesome too.
    Hey Typh. Sorry for not being on MSN the last two days. I got some DS games and I've only got my DSi to play them on.
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