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  • I can't believe Disney would copy some of those stories, especially the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I heard it wasn't exactly the prettiest story ever. My mom was all bad that they Disney-fied it.

    I was mad about Pocahontas, because John Smith was not a good guy at all and they made him seem all wonderful and nice. I was just like "D:<"
    Oh yeah.... Ugh

    No, I meant like after the movie. I know that it wasn't in the movie, but just the image of them afterward in the courtyard...
    Well as a kid, I mean. Then I rewatch stuff and I'm like "How did I not see this before?!"

    I remember everything about Tarzan, except Clayton's death scene.
    DD: I always thought Disney was so happy bouncy. When I read that article I was like, "o.O How did I not notice this?" Especially the Gaston thing where they happily go into the courtyard and see Gaston's dead decaying body speared there. D:
    Really? What? I've been addicted to this, but what you said reminded me of this article.

    I knowwww. :]
    Nightmare fuel man. D:

    I can't draw on paper, I'm just so much better with my tablet. And it's just easier when I make mistakes. xD Exactly. I loooove coloring so much.
    I never like the movie Pinocchio. It bored me too much.

    I wish. D: Ever since something happened to my tablet pen, I've not been able to practice.
    I don't have a basement. xD

    It's not creepy. D: It's awesome. I wish I could draw all awesomely.
    xDD Yes. Except once you came here, I wouldn't let you leave that fast. D:

    Yay! See I told you it was good! :]
    Awww... I'm sorry. DD: It could be the onions.

    Also, my msn is being all ugh. I'll try to keep re-logging
    I love the titles they come up with. :] Like "Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead"

    And America's Got Talent =D It was great last night, my mom and I could not stop laughing
    Typh, I found myself in a fight earlier today. I was sticking up for Hood and his gf at a park. I took a few punches to the face and ended up with a cut on the inside of my cheek before it was broken up by a mother who didn't want her children to see fighting.
    They live just down the road. I'm scared of leaving the house.
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