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  • Whoo! I hope that's good. xD

    (My cousin (same one who got beat up by the Hulk) was telling me about the Play-Doh perfume! I though it was strange, yet intriguing. :])
    Exactly! And then there was another picture where my cousin and I were kicking him in the balls. :x

    (That doesn't sound weird. xD But that's really weird. Who would want to get that? o.o)
    Haha. Butbut... did you see that picture in Behind the Avatar where I was beating the Hulk up because he hit my cousin? D:

    (There's really no certain "look" to being Alaskan, unless you're Alaskan Native and then you look like this or this.)
    xD Me too~

    Yeah, I thought I went on TCoDf during that class and talked to you via VM, but I can't remember now. I went on YIM during that class and talked to my roommate who was in another class. I guess I got her kicked out of the computer lab because she was laughing so much. :(


    (Try imageshack?)

    I took Weight Training, remember? Nah, did I tell you that? No, I gave up and went home. Then I got Mom and she helped me. C:

    (You have a mustache? How have I not known this?)
    o.o Yeah, it's a weird concept to me. Everyone does it here, but it was a perfectly great desk, and I was out walking the dog and found it and was like "! Mine!" and I picked it up and tried taking it home. xD


    (It's great. :])
    No no. Free desk on the side of the street. xD I grabbed it and set my other computer on it~ Yay~ One computer may be broken, but I still have this thing~

    Or maybe it's some strange fetish o.o

    (That's okay! :])
    The eff? Oh, well I guess that's about right. See regular school is 9:00-4:10? ish? So yeah, kinda. :]

    Yes. Lassie, you crossdresser, you. C:

    I haven't seen it yet, but I have it. Thankfully I got if off my laptop before it got a virus and crashed. So now I can't get into it. Hooray for finding a free desk on the side of the street the same day and being able to hook up my desktop computer! :D

    (Of course~ :])
    Duuuude. I went to the school today, not scary. I dunno if you saw my post in "Bleh school" but it was great. I'm super duper happy with my classes! :D Theatre is my first class and then I have a free period so I get out at 2~ Hell yeah for being a Junior!

    Nahh. Mostly just that dream sequence, with Lassie being all creepy and Jules in the shower and stuff. xD

    (YAY drawing! :DD)
    Really? That's how my old school worked. Except the first 3 days, there was like no school. It's like a huge orientation, where we get to do fun things. C:

    And that's wasn't nearly as creepy as I thought it would be. I got in there and then thought about the theater scene in Mr. Yin Presents, and I was all ":D"
    The door's not see through? o: We had one like that in our old house.

    Man, and tomorrow I have to go see the guidance counselor to get my schedule. I scared. D:
    Uhhh... DDD: Man, it's always children. Always.

    And now I have to go shower and stuff, and I dunno about you, but I always think shower = Psycho, so. D:

    You know what creeps me out? I can never be in a bathroom if the shower curtain is pulled so you can't see inside. I know, I'm weird. >->
    Yeah, the one where the kid is calling them and everything. Ugh

    Why are childrens' voices so creepy like that?
    *shudder* Sorry, I'm watching Lie To Me.

    I will never think of a child's voice the same way ever. Dx
    (I'll be fine, I think dinner's almost done. I'm not sure. This happens often, and usually I do snack on stuff. But I'm used to it. x3)
    Yeah, it is kinda pretty. C:

    (Eh, when I don't eat for periods of time I get all shaky and everything is surreal. Dinner's kinda late tonight so I'm all weird feeling. D: )
    Nah, just playing around with photos. Making the background black and white, and the people still in color. C:

    (It was a good info dump thoooough~ I loooove the sound of him. Also, all the Alaskastuffs was accurate. I'll take more about this, but I'm all shakkky~ D:)
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