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  • That reminds me of Gus in An Evening With Mr. Yang. xD

    Haha. No. He wasn't drunk when he said that. xD

    I'm a girl. Oh snap C:

    I know exactly what you mean. My dad drunk was weird, and funny. I've never seen mom buzzed though. o:

    Amazing hair? I think you're mixing Shawn and I up. Nah it was the "Alaska~ Ooooh~" thing. xD
    Awwwww... And then once you give in, he never wants you to stop? C:

    It is! I have 3 friends. :D
    Awwww, how cute. :D

    Yeah, we say it to our dog all the time. And that's about the only time we use it. xD

    In good news, high school = not that intimidating now :D
    Oh my god. That's adorable, words can't describe how adorable it is.

    I thought we were the only one who said we "booped your nose" to our dog. :D
    YES. Those old men were awesome, man.

    Yeah, exactly. xD Actual seizures though, not good.
    Sorry, I was being a loser, trying to play the piano.

    I know, I thought Shawn sounded exactly like him.

    DDD: Not seizures!
    I know right!

    I know! Jules finally stood up and the guy was like "Go you! :D"

    I loved Gus and Shawn's impressions of the old men. It was great. xD And I love the "Ding. Ding." part. xD
    Well, first, I loved it. They are so going to be like that when they're that age! I'm all "D:" because Lassie got hit, but the Bark n whatever it was called was hilarious. It was just two cute. I loved the old guys' bromance.
    Well, sure, I guess. I never liked Altaria before, but after using it for a bit in Pokemon Crater it really grew on me.
    Mister! Please don't make me crash into a building.

    But it's like I'm flying! :D


    Most people don't like Cradily until they use it for themselves, I think. Unfortunately Lileep is an ass to train.
    Was it the stalling Cradily with Toxic, Stockpile, Double Team, and something else? Or an attacking Cradily with Seed Bomb and Stone Edge or something? Either one is amazing, though. Cradily is hard to train but killer in battle if used correctly :D
    My momma doesn't live in a city! Oh shit, wait-

    My momma doesn't live downtown in a city! There we go. xD There were skyscrapers there, man!

    (Since now? xD)
    DD: That's not nice.

    You're right, I wish they had the strikeout thing on VMs. So I'll just do this as if it were: Everytime I hear the Alejandro part where she's all "Ale Alejandro" in my mind it goes "Ale Alejandra". Because I'm so used to my name. derp. :x
    xDD Of course, that was hilarious. And you know what? I'd probably be up for it and be like "I can see my house from here! :D"

    Yes, dress. I like dresses now, they're nice. Especially since I live somewhere that's constantly warm~
    Awww <3 I love the photography

    Well, to you, yeah! To me I'm a very outgoing ten-year-old kid! Plus outgoing 15-year-old! It works C:

    Hehe, I have a new dress, and I think I love it. <3
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