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  • Yeah! You can be Carl, but for the sake of everything, I don't die. Because, well, I'm Russell, I can't be Ellie too. Plus, I have a little cousin named Ellie, it'd be weird if I was Ellie. D:

    An Up wedding?! That is so cute! :]

    ... xDD Maybe not...
    Nah. xD That would've been funny though. It was mostly because the bird kept hissing at people, and he used to do this weird call at people. xD

    Omg. Yesterday when my mom and I went to Wal-Mart we saw this old couple holding hands and acting like newlyweds. It was so cute.

    Why would I be middle aged? Can't I be Mercy-aged? D: And I already live in Texas and I have the accent down, so.
    Ummm... my roommate was Dug, I think. Just because she can be the dumb blonde sometimes. xD And uh... the old man... I don't remember. My ex was the bird, which was amusing because the bird was female.

    Yeah, I got all teary eyed too D:

    It is! Especially if it's a Mercy!Russell!Engie o:
    I am Russel. I forgot who was the dog and the old man. D:<

    xDD Is one of the characters named Russel or something?

    (I tried, I suck. I can't use both hands and my timing is off. D: )
    Omg, I loove that movie <3 When my group of friends watch movies together, we assign who is what character. I was the boy. xD

    (While Your Lips Are Still Red >->)
    Yes. It's like watching Disney movies over again! Or the older eps of Psych over again! :]


    Man, I'm a loser~ *is looking up sheet music for that song*)
    I was in a huuuge Nightwish phase a few years ago. They're really good, but I kinda got tired after listening to it over and over, but after not hearing the songs for a while it's like <333

    (Need I remind you who has psychic abilities and great hair?

    Nothing is. C:)
    xDD Oh man, I rediscovered this song again, and I've fallen in love with it again. <3 The video is kinda cute too.

    (What if it was I who said I loved Lassie? D: Because he's too badass not to love!)
    It was. I voted for him, cause I liked it. And it made me have that song stuck in my head all day. xD

    (If you want to~)
    So there was this guy on America's Got Talent. He plays the harmonica.

    And he played Lady Gaga's Alejandro. I immediately thought of you. C:
    deluded? BAH! i'm not crazy! you're the crazy one! all of you! insane! afraid of progress!
    ... OTL;;

    And I just noticed you posted on Kai's profile yesterday. Probably should've messaged you earlier, haha, or at least make sure my research is not two weeks old. But it'd be nice to talk again, yeah?
    Hey, Typh! Long time no talk; how are you doing?

    ...Actually, I heard from Kai and Green that you're not replying to their VMs and they're worried. I'm kinda worried too, actually. Excuse my stalkerish behaviour, but you don't seem to be talking too much at all nowadays, except to Mercy and well, you always seemed, at least on TCoD, quite social to me! I don't know if it's because you're not feeling well or you don't really find enough substance to reply to in comments or what, but I'm leaning towards the first option.

    I know we haven't talked much at all recently, but we're still friends, right? And friends tell each other when something's bothering them - that's what you told me once. So if you're really feeling down, tell me or Kai or someone. We want to hear from you.

    I know this is long-winded and corny and sappy, but we really are worried. Please reply. :)
    It's hard to explain. Kinda like my sister's voice. It's higher than a man's, but not super super high like a usual teenage girl. Kinda in the middle.

    (You know you smiled a little, Lassieface. C:

    That's pretty accurate. I do speak in a happy tone-ish way. My version of you doesn't have manvoice. I bet you don't. D:

    (Because: "We're Shassie now! Or Spenciter. Or Sharlton.")
    I wanna know what your head-voice-of-me sounds like! o: It's funny how you imagine one's voice to sound like, then you hear it, and it's totally different!

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