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  • Sorta. xD

    Half on, half playing around with GIMP. It's so hard with a mouse. D:
    Ack, I aught to be getting on with that summer work stuff too. I've barely started and I've an essay and a textbook to finish. All because I'm exactly like you in that manner.

    It's okay. I was getting worried, though.

    i think green has a thing for you typh. either that or he's deluded
    Typh, did I do or say anything that upset or offended you? It's just that you've not responded to any of the messages I've sent you over what must be a month now. If I did, I wish to apologise for what I did.
    You would be uhhhh... uhhh... I don't know. D:

    You have for that or of your entire OCs-you've-ever made? o:

    I prefer the term nerd, but whatever floats you boat. C:
    You tell me that often, but I still don't believe it. C:

    Hehe, that mental image is amusing. And the way he talks reminds me of some of the hicks who used to live down our road. o.o Eerily similar.

    You're not a fag, deary~ ♥
    I don't mind. If you type it all out, I'll read it. :D

    I actually want to know more about this snappy dialogue. Like a bit egotistical in a way as well?
    Whoo! Is Hickory part Alaska Native? I am, kinda. I'm full white, but adopted into a clan. C:

    I think I like the sound of him. Definitely with the coffee and the throwing in danger. Hells yeah.

    And if I'm allowed to go all out talking about Psych, then you sure can talk about TF2 as much as you want. xD
    It was either Boomchain as one name or Boom Chain as first and middle. I never saw it spelled out unfortunately.
    I don't think so. I haven't met any people with that. Usually, well, if they live up north, they have Russian sounding last names.

    Haha. xD
    Yeah, never happened to us personally though. Thank goodness.

    You know, I could actually see some Alaskan calling their kid Hickory. Hell, I knew a kid that was named Boom Chain because his dad was a logger. But yes, badass.
    Moose, yeah that's pretty much how it goes. Moose are -huge- man. And if you mess with them, they'll kick you. Although I haven't heard of many people driving into them recently.

    But where I was from, we had that problem with deer. Except the deer ended up dead and the driver just crunched their car pretty bad. D:
    Depends on what part of Alaska you're from. Potentially, everywhere can be dangerous because most Alaska is rural, therefore, one can get lost pretty easily. Southeast Alaska is a chain of islands and most of it is rainforest. Once you get up into northern, interior, and northwest, it's more cold and tundra-esque. So, pretty much no trees, but it gets extremely cold and tundra looks the same, kinda like a desert. Um, animals aren't too dangerous, unless you are going against a grizzly bear, but I'm sure the Pyro could scare it away with fire. xD

    Fire is used ALL THE FREAKING TIME. We used to use it for burning paper-y stuffs, so we'd make a fire everyday. I'm pretty sure this is the same for most of Alaska, like bonfires and stuff. And then of course for practical uses, like lighting a cigarette or birthday candles. And then for jobs, like welding, etc.

    So Alaska is pretty much like the rest of the world when you get into bigger towns and cities. I hope this helped. C:
    Well as you know, I am an expert on Alaskan people. xD Been surrounded by them all my life.

    What is it that you need specifically dear?
    Oh yeah, I know. :]

    My friends in boarding school wanted to try it. :P They didn't though, not enough carrots.
    Dear, you should re-watch the Pilot episode of House. Wilson's hair looks ridiculous. C:

    It made me smile.
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