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  • Ohhhhh! Okay, that makes sense. :D

    No, but whatever it is, it sounds awesome from the name ♥

    Haha. I asked Dad if I could do it for my sweet sixteen early celebration, and he was like "Yeah! :D" It was cool.

    And... I should probably go take a nice long shower now, cause all this hair gel and hair spray in my hair is kinda gross now. D:
    Wait... how does one teach one to drink? Don't you just open the rum, put it in with the class of coke, and well, drink it down? I'm only speaking from experience, but.. :x

    Sword = pwn!

    In other news, I think I am in love with a new show I was introduced to: Chuck! Captain Awesome is just... awesome. xD

    And, you remember the bachelor party ep in House? How they had the flaming shots? Dad wants to do that with me in Texas for my 16th birthday. :D
    I really wanna draw it but hnnnng I cannot draw today

    It's the most amazing mental image though, omg
    hnnnng yes. It's amazing.

    Though it's probably terrible that my first thought with Rojo's eyes being WRONG when he's pretending to be Jordi was this song. I've been imagining Jeremy singing it for a while now, heee.
    I thought you were only held back a year, and we were the same age? I just graduated last year after all.

    I guess I'll PM you tomorrow, then, after your headache has hopefully disappeared.
    Your classmates are... ugh. You're graduating this year, right?

    It's just that my problems are so small compared to yours that I almost feel silly for ranting about them. If you can deal with it, I should be able to. But I always get the feeling that there's something wrong with me... and here I go, I should stop.

    It involves Bitch A, yes it does. Ugh can't wait until next year so I can get away from her. Applying to that arts program is probably the best idea I've had in a while.
    Ah, no, it's okay. You're not required to help me or anything, after all, and to be honest I felt a bit selfish for wanting to unload all my crap onto you. You always have had a lot more to deal with than I did at any rate. I'll probably get over it by tomorrow. :)

    ughh... or date rape drugs. that terrifies me.

    (YES! You have one?! That is awesome! I want one! ♥

    Oh, come on Lassmonster. C: )
    It doesn't scare me, it's just... I can't even describe it. xD

    Yeah. Does this happen to you too? Like... when you're listening to someone's problems and what they're saying is so small compared to stuff that you're going through? And you just kinda have to smile and endure it? I dunno. It seems to me that it would get rather annoying listening to people's little things.

    (Oh god. Fauxhawk Typh! Ohhh! Baby bangs? They annoy me to no end. And I think we've figured out who Lassie and Shawn would be as females, huh? xD)
    Hahaha. I do too, but I mostly get chased and tickled.

    I know. One of my friends said that he'd be scared to death if a woman raped him, so... I'm glad to know there are men who actually have the guts to say it.

    (Your hair sounds amazing. Like Shawnie's hair. Yeah, my dad is bald in the front part too. And then he has longer hair in the back which he puts in a ponytail. Cuuuute! You have bangs! :])
    I'd probably call you a momma's girl in a joking way. But then again, you could totally say either momma's girl or daddy's girl back to me, so, we're even. xD

    Yeah. I can't fight back that well either. All I know is kick in the nuts = hurt! so... x:

    Aw, not now, no. But I was for a while. Now everything is happy happy joy joy in my life~

    (♥ I've always wanted to do that, but it's Alaska, and I don't know where I'd do that.)
    Wow... They call that a relatively healthy childhood? My life must seem goody-goody then.

    But I do understand about the cancer. I have a definite chance of getting it, or a heart attack or something weird. But I never was close or even met my grandparents who died of cancer, so... But even though I've never met your mom, I've gained a lot of respect for her just from the stories you tell of her. It definitely can't be a walk in the park raising a kid by yourself (and with help from your Nan) and dealing with cancer.

    *sigh of relief* Thank... well I can't say God, but thank you! I know so many people who have been raped... It's so horrible.

    I cannot wrap my brain around Sudoku, so... xD

    And I also get the depression thing, probably not the line of where you're coming from, but...
    Of course I wonder why my waifu wasn't on. D: Glad to hear you're better now.

    I usually have breakdowns when I'm really stressed/frustrated. =/ It really sucks
    (damn me and my native knowledge. I keep going "What's a Nan? Doesn't she mean Mmma? x:)


    Yeah, I totally understand that. It pisses me off when people do that. I always feel really bad staying mad at my parents, so it usually doesn't happen. Mom always said (even when I was one year old) that "Even when you guys say you hate me, I know inside that you don't mean it and I'll always love you." And I could really never say that. I'd feel incredibly bad afterwards.

    Or my dad too. I mean, he didn't even think he was able to have kids and then one day my sister came along and then I followed after her. And after just knowing that, it would break my heart to say I hated him after knowing that we're all he has and we're lucky to be here.

    Yeah, it's okay. I do it too. All the time. xD
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