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  • Yeah but nevertheless parents will go on thinking "HMM MAYBE MY KID WOULD LIKE A TOY CHAINSAW DOO DEE DOO" and you know how stupid people are.
    this might have to do :<

    (Also if you search "wrench" on ebay under Toys 99% of the results are actual tools. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO CHILDREN EBAY)

    Yeah well
    :o Really? It made sense? So you mean I'll definitely be a ref and if I don't somehow I should sink into depression for the rest of my life?! *adorable hopeful puppy eyes*

    And yaaaaay :3
    Is that a portmanteau of "moron" and "idiot", or of "Mike" and "idiot"?

    But really I will fail very much won't I :o
    excuse me while i laugh at short 12 year old you.

    No, you didn't. I think that I may have undergone a personality change too, though I'm not entirely sure.
    if celestial blade is behind this then i swear i will fuck his face up. assuming that his face isn't fucked already. c:

    How long have you been at tCoD for now? It's been about two years for me now. aaahh, sweet reminiscence.
    Nah, the guys okay. He was lucky, the wall was old and wasn't much anyway. Had it been larger/stronger, he could have been seriously injured.

    The other major recent thing was that it snowed. And that was back in january, damnit.
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