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  • Nothing, It's half 10 here in the uk and i'm a little tired. I may start reading a book soon, though.
    Well, maybe you'll meet someone who has a really well-paid job and they'll take you. Don't give up on dreams. Ever.
    Then maybe, but tuition fees forforeign students are like a million billion pounds so unless you find a diamond made of solid gold and signed by Shakespeare then yeah no.

    *looks through the courses for no reason*
    Wait, I've a few minutes.

    You're plan to live in Britain? Awesome! Stay away from chav culture and join the stereotypical British ranks! Or just come to Wiltshire 'cause it's awesome.

    Travelling the world sounds like fun, but I'd have to get a decent job first, so two years of A-levels, three years of Uni and then two-three more years for a post honourary. Then a few years in the police force or in forensics and bugger me my life's going to be dull. :D

    get well soon. and get money for the transplant.

    No, it's an "I'm ungrateful I don't want yer prospectus dammit get out of my house" face. D:

    (yay i don't need to sit an lnat after all)
    Then you are epic win :D

    I award you... *looks for the closest thing he can grab* this undergraduate prospectus from the University of Wolverhampton. *gives*

    that and focusing on the awesome part may make me catch fire

    i've no idea i really don't
    It is important because Snakes On A Plane is teh suck and makes less sense than the von Hozel fic of it
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