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  • D: Does the cane have a flame pattern- *VERY SHOT*
    Maybe you should beat people with it *KILLED SO SHE DOESN'T GIVE ANY MORE ADVICE EVER*

    Aaaaaaaaaah I need to look it up online or somethiiiiiiing D: FLYING HOOOOOOOUSE
    D: Eeeeeeeeee ;-; That suuuuuuuucks. But.. but but maybe if you limp enough you can get off school :D *Is shot for terrible ideas and lack of social awareness*
    Well.. I've done it before anyway. >: *Shot again for being a terrible person*

    HOOOOOOOOUSE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I missed the first new episode though aaaeeeeeeee and probably the second too I just never think to watch TV and after so long of no House it's been ggggaackt~ ;-;
    Uwaaa ;w; Ish kay, skool are STOOPID THOUGH.
    Kyeeeehee I'm not sleeping at all any more D; TCoD lagged out for me earlier and I caught a nap thooooough. Wait what were we talking about? It's the weekend already? HURRA- wait
    Take him away.
    I just got a guy on Omegle who is pretending to be Squidward.
    He was all "25/squid/bikini bottom"

    Aawh D: Okays. Don't die at school kays? Even if it tries to kill you. Which it always does. D: Stupid school. I'LL BE HERE ALL NIGHT IF YOU CAN'T SLEEP. ;w;
    Eruh it's 3:19 8D
    I looooove the night but I hate hate hatehatehate sleeping. D< See the phobias thread for that and add insomnia aaaaaaaaaaghhhh. I'll just sleep through the daaaaaaay. And walks at Midnight-time-range are <3
    Stupid sun. D< Making everything all.. bright, and hot, and obnoxiously alive. I like nighttiiiiiiiiiiimsies.
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