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  • we need a lot of hamsters D:

    Or a lot of kids. The adoption agencies maaaay think we're eating them.
    If not I will get a hamster or something. Unless you object to this.

    ...there are too many awesome things we could call children aren't there. All the Mythbusters, Janitor, Basil...
    No because I'd be mean to him and never give him candy

    In the unlikely event I ever do possess any I will keep that request in mind.
    But but but any marriage at all would require all the stuff that you do before marriage and do not want do not want do not want hide me hide me. And I think going up to a girl (or tree) and saying "hay can you just randomly marry me so i can get a babby" will probably result in me getting slapped, maced and/or sued.

    Basically your kid will be the coolest person evar

    Also I don't think I can have a kid D: Remember Hugh's criteria for having kids? Specifically get married and eat properly? I think I'll struggle with them DD:

    But yes of course they goddamn would :3 Unless we got drunk and trained them to fight
    If he is raised in your ways failing at life is not a viable option :3

    And no, I'd call my kid something like Basil, or Spicy Chicken Jr., or Fred Fredbob Fredward Fredderson.

    Today, I had a one question test. The second part of a question said "defend your answer". A kid in my class got full credit because he drew 300 spartans around the first part of his answer. MLIA.

    Oh. You said you didn't want one before. Many times. x3
    Call yours Madness actually, we can send them to the same school somehow so you can just stroll in with yours and go "This is madness!" and then I immediately kick my hypothetical one in and yell "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

    Also on Have I Got News For You, Brian Blessed (the king from Blackadder I who is a Large Ham of the highest order) was hosting and the movie 300 came up and he didn't yell THIS IS SPARTA. ;-;
    Today, I was walking home from school when I tripped over a tree root and fell. Noticing some people behind me, I jokingly shouted "Help. I've fallen and I can't get up." Immediately, an elderly lady replied, "Don't worry. I have a Life Alert!" and waved around a small white device around her neck. After explaining to her that I was joking, she showed me the white device. It was an iPod shuffle. She wins. MLIA

    Today, in my new Spanish class, I was carrying on a conversation with the people I sit by about the new preteen Dora. My friend asked what new things Dora would be exploring, while my Spanish teacher was listening in. She promptly responded with, "Los pantalones de Diego?". In other words, Diego's pants. I have a new favorite teacher. MLIA

    (Also now look me in the eye and tell me honestly that Sparta one didn't make you want a kid just a tiny bit)
    Today me and my boyfriend were discussing possible baby names. For a boy he wanted the name Sparta. He wanted this just be able to kick our kid into class on the first day yelling "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" Of course I agreed to this. MLIA.

    Also have you read GMH it's all lovely and wibbly
    (God I'm such a man aren't I :3)
    I think when I get it I might just name my team after memes
    Furret will be Longcat
    Ursaring will be Pedo Bear
    No. I've heard nothing more of my condition. All I know is that the radiation is helping sorta. I suspect the doctors of thinking I'm not mature enough for the information or something. Feh.. |:P

    I'll see ya tomorow then Typh. *glomp* :3
    I'll dance with you. :>

    I mean, in many ways we might as well be twins so there must be some sixth Typh sense somewhere in this brain of mine. XD
    Oh you know. Hospital bed, nurse absent mindedly watching me, IV to the side, TV turned off because I'm not using it, dark outside the window.

    Not like thunder and lighting raining, it's the kind of calm shower that just BEGS to be danced in~
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