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  • But it's OK because now I can sing Sephiroth's theme kinda

    Estuans interius
    Ira vehementi
    Estuans interius
    Ira vehementi

    Estuans interius
    Ira vehementi
    Estuans interius
    Ira vehementi

    Sors immanis
    Et inanis
    Sors immanis
    Et inanis

    etc etc ad nauseum.
    Yupyup ^^
    Also, I was going to learn some Russian today but I ended up learning some Latin instead.

    I gave up because I don't think I can spell my name in Cyrillic >:

    Incidentally sometimes I look at your avvy and think the fluffywartyears are hands and I'm all WHUT
    Typhkitteh :o
    Also I wish people ever called me or anything so I could go "AHA, MY POCKET PIRATE IS RINGING"

    Also I just put all my old Maths textbooks on Amazon, they're each worth like £9 each fffff
    Yes, it was ridiculous, but that doesn't mean I hate him. He shows remorse for his actions.

    OK, you have a brain disorder? Well, that sucks, undoubtley. But it doesn't justify you being like this. I'd rather be like Skroy, paranoid that his friends will leave him, then you, the person who makes him paranoid.

    And be aware that when I say paranoid... it's a figure of speach. It doesn't mean he's actually paranoid, it's a large exageration. The same when someone calls himself a stalker.
    Look, I am really sorry. I know I was being a jacka**, and nothing was your fault.
    Also, Iadmit I overreacted when people said they hate sonic. I have a reason for it, but I'm not going into it now. So again...just...sorry. Have a nice day.
    (What are you gonna do with it? Shoot your ammunition at random people and hopefully get them to say in some weird funny voice, "I've been hit!" then collapse? XD)

    Ampere, counter with Thunder Punch. Blitz, use-
    *Takes out a pistol with a silencer*
    Uhh.... O_O
    Since when did you own a gun, Blitz?
    When Zritts got it for me.
    ...*Backs away slowly*

    (http://zritts.deviantart.com/ <- My dA account. It's pretty empty right now but it'll grow (hopefully). I'm working on a pic with Blitz holding a gun. Will probably take me weeks to finish).
    (Good luck then!)

    *Lands* Lassieface?! XDDDDDDDDDD
    *Recovers; notices gun* O_O.......... Blitzie, I'm scared now... *Holds onto Blitz*
    Gah! Why'd you call me by that name?
    (I'm more into cartoons shows then shows featuring real live human actors...... so yeah....)

    Quick, guys, JUMP AS HIGH AS YOU CAN!
    *Jumps, thus not getting hit by Earthquake*
    He's got a GUN!? O_o *Does not jump, thus gets hit by Earthquake* W-Whoa... *Gets hurt*

    *Trying to balance* W-w-w-w-w-w-w-wh-wh-whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
    Uh, why is that Luxray glaring at me with such ominous eyes?

    (No, I don't. And truth be told, I'm not interested in the least).
    (Uh, okay...)

    (Blitz) Heh, what's Lassie gonna do: fry us into shish kabobs?
    (Ampere) Is that even possible?
    I'm gonna take a guess and say the latter choice. Anyway, thank you, this will help me with my reading assignment.

    ...You know, I miss our old Pokémon battle we had two months ago.... That was fun to type up.
    Uh, hey, Thyphoon. Just a question since I find that you're the best person to ask this: what exactly is Tourette syndrome? And no Wikipedia link, please, I can't understand a word from it.

    Meh. This doesn't mean I like you, but what I did was totally inappropriate. When you and Skroy are talking and having a good time, but then all the sudden, you say something like "Ha, you're hilareous, oh, and by the way, you have a charcter flaw," it makes me irratated.

    So, uh, not friends. But people who can talk without ripping each other's heads off.

    ...For now.
    A Rom of HeartGold or SoulSilver, silly.

    And, uh, I'd like to apologize for being so stupid. You were just trying to protect Nottie.
    Today I looked outside and saw two ants walking from opposite sides down a small crack. When they met up in the middle they did that stepping to either side to get past. It's nice to know ants have awkward moments as well. MLIA


    Aaaand what kind of parent do you think I'd make? :> (Any answer other than "shit" will be ignored)
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