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  • Oh, looks like they're asleep now....
    Blitz, Ampere, let's seize the opportunity and— huh?
    GET IT OFF ME, BROTHER, GET IT OFF ME!!! *Approaches brother, Blitz*
    Whoa, Amp, stay the hell away from me! *Backs away
    *Face palm*

    (*Sigh* I miss that show; too bad I can't remember the jokes anymore. :< )
    (What does "laconic" mean? (Sorry about doing this but I'm gonna be asking for definition of certain words when I see them; I realized I have a REALLY weak vocabulary for college and it's affecting my mentality)).

    Eww, that's just nasty...

    And we're zany to the max
    So just sit back and relax
    You'll laugh till you collapse
    We're An-i-man-i-acs! ... :D)
    (TvTropes sure sound interesting, but I don't think I'll ever truly understand the concept behind them. =S).

    Dodge you guys!
    *Barely dodges Toxic*
    i am honored
    typh has stalked my convo
    must tell kai
    also :DD she will fix my art-hating school
    (Oh, NOW I remember hearing about TvTropes. Every time I would meet up with a friend of mine, he would talk about TvTropes, followed by the mention of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog'. It gets pretty annoying when he mentions all the time. -.-)

    *Attempts to block every hit* o_e
    Ampere, Dischrage. Blitz, Flamethrower ag-
    Screw the Flamethrower! *Fires pistol at Spencer*
    (What's sadism? *Is confuzzled* Also, what are TvTropes? *Is confuzzled some more*)

    O-Oh, d-dear... *gets beaten up*
    *Gulps* U-um... Blitz, use Flamethrower!
    (Uh, I see where you're going at— sort of. =S)

    *Withstands overpowered Shock Wave* URGH!!!! O_e
    Quick, Ampere, paralyze Lassiter with Thunder Wave.
    I-I'm back; Blitzie scares me, though... *Uses Thunder Wave*
    (It's not necessarily easy to use a gun. I should know from experience when my school did a musical production of Curtains and we used an actual gun to make it seem so real (of course, it was filled with blanks)).

    I'll give you five good reasons to avoid me. *Removes silencer*
    One: *BANG*
    Two: *BANG*
    Three, four, five: *BANG, BANG, BANG*

    My coputor's acting strange. I'm turning it off to prevent it from overheating.
    (I always wanted to take archery lessons at school but they had to cancel it. ;~; Also, in my opinion, an arrow is more dangerous than a sniper bullet.

    And your cousin has a bionic leg? O_o)

    *Dodges all but gets grazed by last bullet* UGH! -~O!
    A-Are you alright, Blitz?
    ...*Shoots at Lassiter*
    You know, it's too bad I got grounded and I got DQed. Our match could have gotten intresting.
    Darn you, and you're points.

    Public was a wide genre. I mean, who cares what people think about you.

    But for the first part, as mean as it may be...

    I like arguing with you. You present a challenge.
    I don't try. I have a bit of a philosiphy to live by when dealing with public:

    Who cares?

    Although admittaldly it probably be harder for you.
    (XD Hope you're a good enough sniper.
    Though the Nerf fight with your cousin sounds a lot more fun. :D)

    *Smirks. =J* BRING IT ON! *Loads pistol*
    A-Ampere, what're you doing, don't run away!
    Well, that wasn't that difficult. However, carpal tunnel...

    :P That must be suckish.

    I have a question I've been itching to ask

    If you work, you have a million medications, and countless other things, what do you do about school?
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