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  • Flame Wheel, Blitz!
    *Smirks; uses Flame Wheel while holding gun in paw*

    (No, the one who makes bad puns would be my friend who happens to carry a freakin' box around the college campus. =P
    Also, note to self: watch more CSI: Miami. 8D)
    *Stands up panting*
    BLITZ! 8D

    (Note the facepalm that followed immediately after the meme. I still can't believe I actually used it...)


    (To quote my cousin: "We should put this on FailBlog".
    Oh God, I fail so bad when it comes to memes...).
    (Hmm, who to pick...? Hmm...)

    Oh no he di'int. XDDDD

    *Charges forward covered in more flames, ready to cause an explosion*

    ...Uh, Skroy, what would you say is Blitz's current power level?


    (Some random spectator) *Massive facepalm*

    (Real life: *Face palm* I did not just do that, did I? *Face palm again*)
    (I've yet to decide whether to play HG or SS when it comes out in America. Anyway, concerning starters, my choice is the same as yours except for Kanto: Cyndaquil (Blitz) & Treecko (Leif). For Kanto, it's either Charmander (Charris) or Squirtle (Kyte). I can't decide, I love those two Kanto starters! 8D).

    It's sort of like watching an action movie if you ask me.
    Action movie, you say?
    *Picks up random sunglasses and scarf with a flame design* You know what every good action movie needs...?
    Alright, Blitz, use Eruption at Lassiter!
    *Flares up immensely* EXPLOSIONS! *Charges at Lassiter*

    GYA! Run for the hills, he's gonna bl- *Gets hit by EnergyBall*
    Wait, I was talking to Skroy about the nex games. Then you came in and told me about the music. After that, I apologized, and said something about enjoying arguing with you. I'm sure you can go on from there.
    Not self proclaimed...

    Wait, that was YOU I was talking to last night, correct?

    At any rate, I'm changing it. it doesn't have a nice ring.
    (Wow, HG/SS's music is just awesome. 8D Speaking of which, I should try to play the game sometime now that I've downloaded it.... Which version are you getting when it comes out here in the states?)

    ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! *Is electrocuted; critical condition*
    Blitz, are you alright?
    DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M ALRIGHT, JERKWAD!? *Rage building up*
    Oh dear, he's getting angry... *steps away from the Typhlosion*

    ♪~Dancin' in the rain
    Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
    Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
    I'm happy again!
    I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!~♪
    *Is cleaned* Ugh, thank God it's raining now. *Phew!*

    ♪~I'm singing in the rain
    Just singing in the rain
    What a glorious feelin'
    I'm happy again
    I'm laughing at clouds
    So dark up above
    The sun's in my heart
    And I'm ready for love
    Let the stormy clouds chase
    Everyone from the place
    Come on with the rain
    I've a smile on my face
    I walk down the lane
    With a happy refrain
    Just singin',
    Singin' in the rain~♪

    That's easy for you to si-sin— ACHOO! Aw, crap... *Gets hit by Secret Power - Ground*
    *"Toxic" comes off* ...Hey, I'm all sparklingly clean again! ^^
    *Get hits by Zen Headbutt
    *Gets hit by blown "Toxic"* EW! THIS IS JUST GROSS! O_e
    ...define the term "buggering", because it means something else here in England. o~o

    You'll have to give me some thime on what I want.
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