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  • i'm tempted to lie about my age and make an account for iScribble.

    ...you up for it?
    i wanted to be more awesome than an elf. XD
    ah well.
    *gives up and doodles*
    ..... Oh, Crap. ;_; I had no idea.. *Ultra-Mega-Huggle*
    Yeah, I do have it myself, so I know how you feel with people being idiots about the Tourettes. I've always tried to look up on it though. It's an extra HAH! to people when accomplishing something, as if it's something special (At least, it -usually- isn't a handicap) and any excuse to spit in stupid peoples faces. It also personally helps keep me toned, as for all the thrown-out muscles and pulls and a totally mucked up right knee I can say I have far better agility and motor control than most to all of the people I know - and it will probably develop that way for you, too. It's only natural with the constant muscle use. I used to have some very disruptive hand tics as well, albeit not as serious as yours. They really get better though, and eventually I'm sure you'll feel much more comfortable with a pencil than the average person.
    But... crap ;-; The liver problems are... oh gods. Please be okay, like... really. If it ever starts getting bad I'm serious send me a nudge and I'll wire you whatever cash I have towards what you need, whatever I may have. Craaaaap... ;-;
    ... D:
    Holy crap
    I don't mean to be all stalker-ish and noticing this stuff but.. You have Tourettes? Ack D: *Mega-Huggle* Seriously what a fucked up disorder it is. You're also at it's peak age, when the body is getting hormone-farked it kind of tops out. It gets better, do know that.. If you ever want to talk or anything though feel free, I know what you're going through. ;-; Or alternately you could tell me to gtfo and stop prying into your life.
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