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  • ...I drew Pikachu =D

    ...yeah but I totally blatantly wouldn't because that's just like the horriblest thing ever and I plan to just drop that whole concept pretty soon.

    ...and 1 doesn't come between 0 and 0 you crazy person D<

    Ohhh the air band one yay :D
    Yeah, I'm starting to worry how far I can take this "NOES I THINK I HAS CANCER" thing before it looks like I'm making fun of it XD

    Also on a scale of 0 to 0, how much did you understand #135 :3
    The internet isn't....
    Well it's isn't evil enough for all caps and a z. :33

    Your don't have a long attention span? Huh.. I always thought everybody had one...
    Well that should be reletivly easy. You can't force me to not crack a joke or laugh at someone elses, so I have sense of humor down.
    As for the rest, simple job to start with while I'm in colege then I'll work my way up, I'll ride a bike/public transport, and I have this bank of quarters I've been saving since I was three that should help out...
    So I'm good. o_o
    until it went into an endless loop.

    also minkow's and RT's is also epic :3
    me and mike were talking about convo-stalking. we like to stalk mike and minkow's convo.
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