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  • I'm going to find away. Sure, at the moment all I have are convoluted plans that involve E-bay, but it's a start.

    Bwaha, I just bought your peice of deshevaled lint for seventy bucks. X3
    It's not pity, it's wanting to feel that I've actualy helped you out through this. It's a selfless act for selfish reasons.

    Yeah. The month's already over. How sad.
    I get what you mean, but I'm not going to think about it. It makes me feel scared and I don't alow myself to really feel anything. It's against my rules.
    Gah. Maybe I'M not comprehending the overall badness of this. Remember, I'm only elevan. To me five years seems like an eternity.

    As for you, somehow I'm going to send you money. I don't know how, but I'm going to find a way that we can both agree on.
    Oh really? You think a liver way on the verge of failing coupled with a rapidly progressing case of Torettes and the medication you take for it isn't a cause for alarm? Ii is, trust me. All I'm doing is going through chemo. You're going through hell.
    They wont talk to me about it. |:P
    All I know I got by sneaking out of my room and eavesdropping on my parents. They wanted to put a lock on my door to keep me from coming out, but they're worried that it would be to big of a hassle to go through if something in me gave out. I sneak out when I can, but it's always different.

    3 days ago - Ah, she's doing great. I'm sure she'll come out of this perfectly fine~
    2 days ago - Well, we checked up on [some big word I can't be arsed to remember] and the results look a bit grim. She'll come out of this, but not without difficulty.
    Yesterday - She's got a year. Sorry.

    And gimmi a few minute I'm going to go check again because they're talking..
    ... I'll... arrest you! D:<

    (Nooo! And no flying cars either? D: Damn Jetsons.

    Aww. D: and we be panicking? I dun wanna drown!)
    *takes gun off safety and takes aim* Now? :3

    (What is it like in the future? :DDDD

    But we'd be able to escape since the car lost one of the doors, right? xD)
    *puts gun on safety, and then points it at the wizard guy* Now do you want to help? >:D

    (Waitwait! I keep forgetting you're in the future~ The next episode was the underwater car myth. And Adam's freaking out and stuff. )
    Find a vet! D:<

    (Underwater car myth? Which one's that? I'm watching the decapitation by fan one. xD;; )
    Ummm... umm... >-> <-< where's that doctor guy? D:<

    (Yay. :D

    Eeeeee~ I be watching Mythbusters again. :D)
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