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  • DDD: Hmmm... I actually think I like you as a bird more. C:

    (Good, cause the guys who call me Milk caught me drinking milk and they were like, "Oh noes, Milk is a cannibal! DD:" )
    NoIdidn'tmean- DDDDDD':

    (I love pasta and milk. Not together, that sounds weird. Does that make me a cannibal? D: )
    *whispers* I think he fell for that. >-> *wipes tear*

    (Ugh... I don't want to mix them ever. xD)
    I really don't know. The doctors are so inconsistant. One day they'll be saying crap l;ike that and the next they say I'm getting a heckofalot better. It's always fluctuating, but it avarages out to a year so far.
    I... wasn't... DDD:

    (I know. xD It figures that those would both be my nicknames though. xD)
    With the topic we're disscusing and the questons I want answered it's practicly impossible to go through it without mentioning it. Besides, everybody dies. We're just dieing faster than others. I mean, the doctors are saying now that'll I'll be dead in a year sooooo..

    (Yay for unusual last names that can be made fun of. I have one too. xD

    Foggy Pants? xDDD I'm Milk AND Spaghetti. xD)
    That's... not possible..
    Why would a 106 fever just break all of he sudden? The ice-pack? Oh hell no. Something isn't right here. And this is again trailing back to the fact that you were conciouse with that ridiculously high fever. What's going on here? |:<
    You're hurt!? DDDD8

    (Nessarose? That is such a cool nickname! And I thought my nickname of "Moocho Grande" was cool. And yes, I realize it's spelt wrong. xD

    Yay for long names. I also have a very long name. xDDD)
    DDDD8 Spencer!

    (Ooooooh~ Your name is Briana?

    Uuuuum... make people stand on something to make them taller before they hug you. :D)

    Fark. Ive gotta go for a bit. My parents want me to take a shower. How long will you be here?
    Uhhh... *gives Shawn a shiny fork instead*

    (I remember public school. :DD

    I would probably be one of those people. xDD I love hugs cause I'm one of the shortest and youngest of the group and they look at me and are like, "you're so CUTE! :DDDDD *hugs and spins around*" xDD)
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