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    *chases birdShawn*

    (It will be awesome, and I won't be able to see it... unless I watch it on my lappy on USA Network. :DDDD if my lappy is cooperating like it is nao. :3)
    No. I've always been positive that you know what could happan. I'm just confused because you're not worried. I don't understand how you couldnt be worried. I don't understand why you don't want me to be worried.
    ... Get offa my head. D:<
    *badge accidentally falls off* ... DDDDD8

    (I know. D: *hugs back* And there's supposed to be an episode where Gus and Lassie pair up and solve a case andand... DDDD: )
    *mutters* It's fine... >->

    (That's what I was doing the whole time. I kept saying "Binky? That's so cuuuuute!"

    Yay! :DD Mercy Dees is sad because she won't be able to watch the rest of season 4. >: )
    They're care must not be very good, usualy anybody with a 106 or 105 fever would be rushed to an emergancy room. Again, why are you conciouse?
    I told you I was going to shoot you if you called me that, Spencer! D:<

    (xDDDD I'm glad you did.

    Something like that. Henry talks about Shawn's feelings for Lassie's childhood in there. It's cute. And Lassie has a father-figure and he actually gets kinda... emotional. :333)
    Ha. That would explain why he's so annoying... cause he's a parakeet. >:D

    (Hahahaha. A parakeet. That is awesome. xDDD

    And Shawn and Lassie show their sentimental sides. :333)
    Because you'll shoot everything in sight! D:<

    (It's.............. wait for it~ ..... wait for it~ ...... Binky. :DDDD

    Until then you can sit in bed and drinks lots and lots of tea. :3)
    DDDDDDDDDDD8 That will not be good.

    (Do you want to know it? It's so cute. x3333

    Typh! DDDDD: Awww I hope you get better. T-T)
    I know I will! >:P

    (It was amazing. And let me just say, because of that episode, Shawn now has a new nickname for him. xD

    Awwww... I hope you feel better. D: )
    (I can't post in character right now. But omg I loved the episode! It's about Lassie's childhood. It's so cute! :3

    and wow. They renovated my dorm. New showers, new carpet! Yes!
    Well if your body rejects the liver couldn't they just reopen the wound, take it out, and put you back on dialisis?
    But then there's the money and basic displeasure factor..
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