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  • *gets handcuffs out* >:D
    Uhh... Lassie? How are you going to handcuff a spork? :3

    (Ugh... I hate drawing hands. >-< Hardest thing for me.)
    o.O! You're crazy woman! *slowly backs away from Typh*
    *has a crowbar* Let's get 'im! :DDD

    (Keeping me in suspence, huh? xDD)
    Spencer! ... Well at least you helped. *mumbles* Good job...

    (Can I seeeeeeee~? :D)
    *fires once more and then realizes he has no more bullets* Uhhhh... o.O

    (DDD: Turns out we can't make cannoli today cause we don't have all the stuff, but possibly tomorrow when we go to the store~ :D

    >: *hugs back*)
    Okay, maybe that didn't work. *fires gun at the spork*

    (Yes she be. :DDD

    I hope we can make it~ That'd be an awesome two-days-before-we-leave-going-away dessert/snack thingy. xDDD)
    o.O SBPD! Down on the... ground?

    (I just brought the idea up with my mum, she's thinking about it~ :DDDD)
    o.O Uhhhhhh....
    Did I just hear a gun?! D:< *runs over to see*

    (I don't think they sell them here. Ooh... I could make them. :D)
    Sporky~ D: TYPH! What's going on over there? Wait... that spork is made of gold right? $.$
    Don't even think of it... D:<

    (I will have someday~ :DD)
    ... Typh? Are you okay? What's going on? DDD:

    So now what Spencer? Do we just go around looking for this... what was it.. a spork? D:<

    (Ohhhhhh! xDDD

    Jersey's still cool though. Cause I've never been to the east coast before. :D)
    ... D:<

    (Hershey Pennsylvania? Seriously? T-T My aunt was just there, I is jealous~ D:

    Whoo! Soup and orange juice! Score! C:

    Uhhhh *gives you smoked salmon and lemonade* 83)
    ... Sir? Are you mocking me? D:<

    (POTATOES! :DDDDDD And soup~ <3

    Mmm... I want potato soup now. Or baked potatoes. Or... twice baked potatoes. :DD

    I can has move to potato state plz? D:)
    ^////^ .... What are you looking at, Spencer? D:<

    (You're done with it? :DDD)
    Be careful next time. D:<

    (Uuuuuhhhh... it was something like... Kiras-Objection or something like that. I only had like... 3 things uploaded though. xD)
    I'm good, miss nessarose. i have a bit of a blocked throat, but i'm good.
    nice to hear that you're going digital.
    o.O *picks him up and puts him on his feet*

    (Yay dA! :D I joined once, then I kinda deserted it cause I didn't draw enough~ D:)
    That's rediculous! D:< Now come down from that tree!

    (How ees eet going so far? :DD)
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