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  • G-GAY?! Who do you think I am Spencer! D:<
    Fine... D:<

    (Chicken nuggets?! C:

    I be watching Mythbusters~ :DD)
    Best two out of three. >:

    (Okay~ I have to go to town anyway, so I'll talk to you later. C: )
    ... DD8<

    (Oh my god. Dx

    Hmm... how awesome would it be to be a food critic? :D)
    ¬.¬ I'm not going to admit you won. D:<

    (I'll tell you... it looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. Who could eat that whole thing? xD)
    Gaaaah... o.o *blinks* Dammit! D:<

    (I want a metabolism that's on speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! *jazzhands* xD

    And omg... is that a burger? o.O)
    *does his hardest not to blink* .... D:


    I'm uhhh... *checks driver's permit* 5'3" and 110 pounds. Actually I think the weight is off. I think it's more like 112 or something. But apparently my mum didn't hit 100 pounds until 10th grade, so... o.o)
    ... *stares*
    Uhhhh... I thought we proved that it was someone else? ^-^;

    (Ahhhh, I seee.

    That is awesome. I do that too. One time this guy, who was a Senior, and me were walking to the dorms from a formal dance. I was wearing heels on, and he was like "Give me a piggy back ride! :D" so I did. It was really hard. xD)
    True... and I'm still convinced you were the one who stole my car and took it to a chop shop! D:<

    (Oddly enough, now I feel better. xD

    intarwebz hugs work! :DD *hugs back*

    Really? Well you should feel proud cause apparently you have special healing hugs or something. xDD)
    ... D:

    (I do that except with coffee. :3

    Although now I feel sick, cause I drank some of my coffee too fast. D: Maybe I should just switch to tea, cause it never makes me sick. xD)
    ... *mutters* I'm keeping an eye on you. D:<

    (Omnomnomnomnomnom~ :D

    *gives you one too*)
    ... *turns around to Shawn* D:<

    (Eeeee~ When he said snicker, it reminded me that my sister made snickerdoodles~ :D)
    That must be the SBPD looking for me! >:D
    *mutters* I wouldn't get your hopes up, Carlton.

    (Then practice we shall! :D)
    Hey guys look! It's a helicopter! *points* C:

    (Yeah. I think I need to practice more. xD)
    How about we just tape it up somewhere with duct tape? :DD
    ... I'm not even going to ask. o.O

    (Augh... fingers. >:)
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