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  • Uhhhh... *starts hitting it with the bumper* Gaaaaaah! D8<
    *it doesn't seem to be doing anything*
    I'm with you guys! *starts running*
    D:< Come on....
    I know I'm going to regret this but... *gives Shawn a spare gun* You'd better give it back when we're done, though. D:<

    (Nao he does~ C: )
    Don't. Get. Bit. DDD: *pulls off Lassie's car's bumper and uses it as a weapon*
    Sorry Lassie~ >:

    (xDDDDD YES)
    Erase you history. Go up to tool and choose "Delete brousing history". You'll have to find TCoDs again by typing a URL, but it's definatly worth it.
    Delete your E-mail too..
    CLOOOOVERFIIIIELD~ o.O Ruuuun! *runs*
    Augh! They're everywhere! D:
    *pulls gun out and starts shooting* What the hell? o.O
    What is with your car? *also starts shooting*

    (Yay for Cloverfield references! :DD)
    Umm... Carlton? I hate to ask this, but is that a giant spider coming out of your car? o:

    (Oh wow. I fail. xDD

    And why do all the weird things come out of Lassie's car? xD)
    C: wait... Where's Spencer? D8

    (True, he was shot once, so he's pretty tough. xD)
    I was just... letting him... go? C:
    ... Fine! D:< You have one more chance, and that's it. D8<

    (At least House won't be tackled again. xD; )
    Uuummm... sir? *whispers* I think I'm just going to let you go with a warning. Don't tell Lassiter. C:
    Uhhh... yes! >:D
    Ummm... Carlton... Are you okay? o.o
    Of course I am! o.O

    (YUSH! :DDD)
    Thanks Shawn. x3 But still... what is the charge for arresting him? o.o
    Uhhh... assault? :D

    (Yummy... tea~ :DD)
    ... ! O'Hara! Shawn.... Spencer! >-> Get him! *points at House*
    ... What for? o.o
    Don't question it, just arrest him! >:D
    Did something happen to you Shawn? D:
    Err... I mean, nothing happened to him, he's fine. >->

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