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  • Ugh... @.@ Uh... I'm fine. D:< *gets up, and automatically puts a hand out to help Shawn up*

    (Eeeee~ :3)
    ... Yeah.. it's me... uhh... oh no... *balancing failed, and then falls forward... onto Shawn*

    (Ohhhhhh. xDDD Dun dun DUUUUUUN!)
    *tries to balance himself* Uhhh... no one, Spencer.... uhhh... uh oh.. o.O

    (Me too. :DD)
    ah yes the sunnyshore gym. if you're struggling to get to volkner, get to the top, go back down on the right hand side, step on one of the buttons down there and go back up. then pwn him. :P
    well good for you.

    you are an admirable person. even though you've been diagnosed with a mental disorder, you just shrug it off and don't let it get in the way of your goals. i really hope that you get the scholarship. :D

    by any chance do you go spelunking in the underground?
    interesting information about torette's and nice to see that you're not too bad with it. and if anyone at your school calls you that, show them the true meaning of a "psycho" and wage psychological warfare on them. or tell a member of staff, your call. ;D

    and that's the same sort of situation i'm in. somehow though, i just know that i'm gonna balls it up and have to rush it in on the last week.
    Diiid'you post yet..?

    Cos I dun wanna double post nyaaaah

    link to our battle in the emergency referee outpost (which is stickied in t'main ASB) and say we need an e-ref. SSSSSSSSIIIIIIMPLE
    Uhhhhh.... o.O I'll take that as a "I'm fine Lassie."
    Or maybe you're not...? Ummmm...

    (xDDD Slow reflexes much, Shawnie? xD And he's supposed to expect the unexpected too. C: )

    DDD:< *runs over to Shawn* Spencer, are you okay? D:< *grabs House's cane* >=|
    thankew. but really, I just hope whoever/Empoleon totally screws our battle up with the random stuff next round

    no really i want this match to be messed up
    oh crap you have to actually since I did before

    Just link to the thread and say 'e-ref plz' or something equally witty.
    you have torette's? i'm sorry to hear that. but keep at the art; i find it one of the more relaxing things to do with one's time.

    although i aught to start my english coursewok soon goddamnit.
    In the e-ref board, the emergency ref outpost or something.

    But dun worry, I'll get it righ' now. Cos I know everyone loves having a Dragon in their face, yelling for a ref.

    Damn, I wanted this to continue past the second round ;_;

    *whispers* He looks cu- I mean! He looks like an idiot... yeah... an idiot. o.O
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