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  • ^-^ *pets both Lassiter and the lion*

    (I'm taller than my mom too, but it's not really a hard feat. xD I want your tallness. xD )
    ^-^ *silently* Awwwww.

    (... Whoa! You're tall. I'm really short. D: like 5'3" Butbut, you have to wear a uniform? Does that kinda suck? D:

    Oh oh! You need hobo shoes to go with that! During school the soles of my shoes fell in half and I dubbed them as my hobo shoes. One of my friends thought it was awesome, but it was hard to walk in, so I had to throw them away. D:)
    You've never said anything so bad to me that I would cry or argue..

    Okay, I would hit you with a book, but I would be smiling playfuly the entire time. In other words, YAAAAAAY BOOK FIGHT!!
    *gives you a hug* I can take those things because I know it's just your way of helping. Everybody has a style, yours is misunderstood. X3
    You know why I ask you for help? Because you give it straight. You don't suger coat or cherry pick. You say what you mean. You don't tell me what I want to hear, you tell me what you think and what would actualy help. Though some people would see it as acting a bastard, I just don't see it like that.

    I couldn't ask for anything better.
    Thanks. It means so much more than you would think. :'3
    I know :<

    I tried another round of posting nothing but "meow" to annoy people but that was still turning up too many people who were worryingly determined to cybersmex nonetheless =/

    So now I'm just putting "HELP MY HOUSE IS UNDER ATTACK FROM ZOMBIE NINJAS" and waiting for someone to start up some proper goof-offery D<

    I'm on Omegle trying to get people to help me fight zombie ninjas.
    The strangers are less than cooperative ;;
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